Pondering and plans -8-

Start from the beginning

When I had everything we needed to make this night fun, I turned to go to the check out line, and walked straight into another pair of bosoms belonging to a different redhead this time. These were truly the struggles of being a short guy, when you bump into someone, you bump into their chest. If the chest happened to have breasts, than it made everything awkward.

"Sorry!" I said quickly, backing up a little. "I wasn't paying attention."

I knew Naomi was popular and all that, but I didn't know what her real personality was like. I seriously hoped I hadn't just bumped into another Cindy. She was intimidating, to say the least. Tall, voluptuous, and so pretty it hurt to look at her full on.

Naomi simply smiled at me. "I saw you at my party last weekend. I don't remember your name, but I remember who you were with. That cute French boy, Sebastian, right?" It would figure. I was having the weekend out to take my thoughts off of him, and yet he seemed to be at every corner of my mind. Nonetheless, I nodded. "Are you two friends?"

Right now? I didn't know. After two people kiss in the hallway, can you still be friends? I didn't know. Since everyone else had no clue -- to my knowledge-- that the whole incident had even happened, I just said, "Yeah, something like that." That was about as truthful as it was getting. Naomi seemed to like that answer because her smile got even brighter.

"Well if you see him can you tell him to give me a call? I'd love to hang out with him sometime." I wondered what she would say if she knew that he was gay. Or that he had a crush on me. It probably wouldn't be nice.

I gave her another stiff nod. She waved. "Well, see ya later then. Thanks." She sashayed away. After I made sure I had all the snacks, I started towards my original destination. The checkout line. While some college kid bagged my snacks, I noted that Naomi didn't even ask me for my name. Well, for someone like her, I wasn't really anybody. Like Dannie said, I was not a people person, and if meeting with new people could be avoided, that's what I would do.

I grabbed the bags and went outside. I put the snacks in the front seat then got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

It was a little after five so there was some traffic. I settled into my seat, it was going to be a bit of a wait. I flicked the radio on in an attempt to distract myself. Some mindless pop music floated through the speakers. It was some something about about someone loving someone they shouldn't.

It was supposed to distract me from a certain person I was trying not to think about. But if anything it made me think of him more.

There were a number of things I could do moving forward:

I could completely ignore him for the rest of the year.

I could pretend nothing happened.

I could hate him.

Those were just a few. I knew none of those would work. There was no way I could ignore him for the rest of year. There was also no way I could pretend like nothing happened. It would always be there, a reminder of why things wouldn't be the same for us. And I knew I couldn't hate him. I didn't have it in me, and besides that... I didn't want to.

I sighed. This was why I tried not to dwell on it too much. I usually ended up feeling more confused than I already was about the whole deal. While I had been lost in thought, the traffic had cleared up. I drove back to Dannie's apartment in record time.

After I had all the bags, I carefully made my way up the stairs and used my free hand to open the door I knew no one locked. I tossed the keys in the bowl and called, "I'm back!" I called. No response. "Guys?" I walked into the living room to see if they were in there. Nope. I decided to just go back to Dannie's room and wait for them to turn up.

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