Chapter Two

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Yoongi's POV

"If you don't have my money by tomorrow, you know what I have to do.", Yoongi says into his phone.

"Of course, Mr. Min. I promise I'll have your money tomorrow.", he nods with a reply of, "Don't disappoint me.", and hangs up the phone.

"How close are we to The Park residence, Jay?", he asks his driver.

"We are pulling in now, Mr. Min.", his driver, Jay, responds.

Yoongi nods his head and looks out the window to see a large house, not bigger than his though. As the car comes to a stop, Jay opens his door and returns to his place in the driver seat. Yoongi walks to the door and knocks, waiting for someone to answer. He smiles slightly as an older man, he assumes is Jimin's father.

"Hello Mr. Park, I'm here for Jimin.", he says to the elder.

"Of course.", Jimin's father nods, "Please, come in, he's just saying his goodbyes."

Yoongi nods his head slightly, walking into the house. He looks around, "You have a nice home Mr. Park."

"Thank you.", was his only reply.

Yoongi follows Mr. Park to a room with and elder woman and Jimin sitting on a couch talking, tears coming from the woman's eyes. He stops at the doorway to the living room and lets the family says their last goodbyes. He hears countless "I love you's" and "We will see you soon's", he decides to give them some privacy and not eavesdrop on their conversations by looking down to his phone, messaging Jay to have the car ready to go. He soon feels someone's gaze on him and looks up to see Jimin looking at him.

"Are you ready?", Yoongi asks Jimin.

Jimin nods his head and looks back to his parents smiling sadly, telling them one more time that he loves them, then walks out the door. Yoongi takes the last of Jimin's bags and bows to Jimins parents then starts walking to the door until he hears Mr. Park saying, "Please, take care of my son." He nods his head with a reply of, "I will, I promise.", then exits their home.

He looks down at Jimin and puts a hand on his middle back, feeling him tense slightly but ignores it and starts leading him to the car. They put Jimin's bags in the trunk, then Yoongi opens Jimin's door. He hears a small "thank you" as Jimin gets in and closes the door before walking around to his side and getting in himself.

No One's POV

The car ride to Yoongi's home was quiet, other than Yoongi getting a few calls. About an hour later, they finally arrive to their destination. Yoongi looks over to find Jimin staring out his window, awestruck at how big Yoongi's house is. They come to a stop and Jay opens their doors then removes Jimin's bags from the trunk before parking the car in the garage. Yoongi takes a couple of Jimin's bags before walking to the door, opening it.

Jimins looks inside and becomes even more awestruck just as they enter the foyer. He looks over at Yoongi, who just smiles at his expression. They set Jimin's bags down and start to walk towards the kitchen until they hear footsteps running to them. Yoongi pushes Jimin behind him, already knowing what was going to happen, just as fast as the person was running they stopped, only an inch away from Yoongi.

"Why are you running?", Yoongi asks.

Before the person had a chance to answer more footsteps were heard along with screams. The noise soon stops and Jimin looks from around Yoongi and has to bite his lip to keep the laughter from spilling out. There were a group of boys standing their drenched in water and what was assumed to be glitter.

Yoongi looks at the group of boys with humor filled eyes then back to one in front of him, who had backed up a couple more inches.

"What happened while I was gone?", Yoongi asks. Then everyone starts to talk at once, screaming over each other trying to explain what happened, soon, Yoongi raises his voice to speak over the yelling, "That's enough, everyone go wash up then meet in the den, I want to know what happened and there's also someone for you to meet." The group of boys walk of while grumbling about how they are old enough to take care of themselves.

Yoongi looks back to Jimin and brings him to the so-called den, waiting for everyone else to get here.


What's up potatoes? I'm back with another chapter. This one was a little longer than the last one so I hope you enjoy. Bye Bye Potatoes!

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