The Battle [Edited]

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We bent over, panting, trying to catch our breaths. I coughed to clear my throat but ended up choking on blood stained phlegm. Havoc immediately went to me, patting my back as I spit out the blood from my mouth. He cupped my chin and wiped the blood away from my mouth, worry evident on his face. I just stroked his face before turning away. I didn't let him see how much running had taken out from me. My muscles felt numb and the pounding in my head was back. I could hear my heart thundering away in my ears.

I coughed again and again, gasping for air in between each one. It was so hard to breathe. I felt his arms around me, supporting me like he had been all this time. He held his jacket to my mouth, holding me up even when my legs threatened to cave from under me. I clutched his arm as each spasm rocked though my body.

"Angel," he whispered in my ear, voice strained with pain.

I looked over my shoulder and sent him a small smile. Even then, he wouldn't smile back to me. A sudden low growl broke me out from my little reverie. I looked towards the sound and my breath instantly caught in my throat, the blood in my veins froze. There in front of us was the most hideous, most fearsome looking beast I had ever seen.

 It had the head of a lion, razor sharp teeth gleaming in between its scaly lips. Its mane was wild, the hair pocking in all directions. It had a body and hind legs of a tiger, and front legs of an eagles. Its wings were spread out wide, scaly like that of a dragon's. Its tail was that of a snake, coiling and turning. But its eyes, they were obsidian, staring at us with a dead and flat glare. But what caught me was the thing behind it.

Glowing in all its splendour was my father's book, sitting regally on the stand that the beast was guarding. My hand tightened around Havoc's.

"The book," he whispered. "We found it."

Suddenly, the wall to the left of us exploded. Havoc turned me against his chest, shielding me as debris came flying at us.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here?"

I became rigid in Havoc's arms. That voice, that sickeningly sick voice. I shuddered in his arms as they banded tighter around me. I took in a shaky breath, before placing my mask back on my face. Havoc, being one step ahead of me had already placed his mask back on. His back was to the witch that was standing not so far away from us.

"Thanks for leading me to the book darling Elizabeth," she purred and I felt like gagging.

I pulled out from Havoc's arms and faced her full on. Her face as usual was heavy with makeup. She looked so ugly I would have dubbed her as the most ugliest woman on earth. Even the beast looked better than her. She was dressed in office clothing, the tight clothes outlining her fats. There were men in black suits with glasses standing behind her, their suits bloodstained and dusty.

Heedless to the beast that was growling a mere few feet away from her, Fiona stepped closer to me, her eyes glittering with amusement.

"Oh... so you've found yourself a boyfriend have you?" she asked smirking .

 She turned to Havoc, her eyes trailing up and down his body. I felt the urge to pummel her to death. He belongs to me. I watched as she licked her lipstick covered lips, looking at Havoc like he was a piece of meat. I felt a growl emit from my throat.

"Come now darling, why would you want to spend time with a drab girl like her. She is so ugly and scrawny. I bet you haven't even seen how ugly she looks like under that distasteful mask of hers," Fiona sneered at me as she addressed Havoc.

 "You and your friend should come here to me. I could offer you both so much more. I mean look at you. You go through all this shit and for what? It's not like she could ever give any of you anything. She doesn't even have a dime on her don't you Elizabeth?"

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