(Shin x Reader) Breaking the ice

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A verdant view adorned with trees from majestic foliages, tiny saplings sprouting brightly and mirrors of sparkling water -- this is what the eyes of the Kaioshin could admire. But even though the Planet where he lived was supposed to inspire peace and tranquility to even the most unrequited soul, the young Kaioshin was sitting at a table under an oak tree, wearing an agitated expression on his face.

The Old Kai and Kibito had gone who knows where to do something they didn't want to reveal, no matter how many times he had asked about it. It had been a while since their behavior had become this strange, but Shin never gave it too many thoughts. With them gone, the only other person left on the planet was (y/n), a Shinjin whose role was to protect Shin, just like Kibito did.

And what had made him so tense was exactly her. Her priority was protecting Shin at all costs, and because of this she was always monitoring him, even when it wasn't needed at all -- even now she was hidden in the shadows, watching him constantly, but the Kaioshin had noticed her presence for quite a while now.

"(Y/n)?" he said, and the girl appeared right next to him, making him flinch. 

"Did you call for me, Shin Sama?" she asked, with a tone almost completely apathetic. 

The Kaioshin lost himself in the icy eyes he had in front of him. Nevertheless, they didn't spread hatred or malice. On the contrary, they gave the girl an elegant and attentive look. Realizing for how long he had been staring at her, Shin lowered his eyes, his cheeks heating up slightly. "You don't need to spy on me like that anymore, you know? Now that the matter of Zamasu has ended, there aren't any more dangers that threaten my safety," he spoke.

"But Shin Sama, it is my duty to protect you, always. Are you asking me to abandon my task?" (y/n) replied, tilting her head to meet the Kaioshin's eyes once more.

"If you care so much about your role, could you at least stay here instead of remaining hidden? Being watched from the shadows doesn't exactly make me feel comfortable," Shin confessed, the stress audible in his tone.

The unusual harshness in Shin's voice caught (y/n) by surprise, but the girl nodded quietly and sat on the chair in front of him. The Kaioshin then poured her a cup of tea, hoping that would have let her relax a bit.

They spent some time sipping their drinks with the sound of leaves in the wind as a musical background. During this period of time, Shin could notice how different (t/n) acted when she was face-to-face with someone. He had always seen her as a strict and rigid girl, but from how she moved around in her seat, her eyes always fixed on the tiny teacup in her hands, it was evident that she was just timid.

- How cute! - the Kaioshin thought, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Shin Sama? Is there any problem?" (y/n) asked, surprised by the sudden laughter. 

"Oh, it's nothing. I just thought that we should have a cup of tea together more often. Your company is enjoyable, you know?" Shin replied, intrigued by the girl's timid nature.

"I-If this is what you wish, Shin Sama, then I'll do it..." (y/n) hesitantly admitted. She had avoided the Kaioshin because being next to him made her heartbeat quicken and because his words always left her amazed. But it seemed like this plan of her wasn't going to work anymore.

"Thank you, (y/n)!" Shin said lastly, smiling widely. Such a simple action was enough to make (y/n)'s cheeks tint of a cherry-bright red.

Meanwhile, behind a rock, the Old Kai and Kibito high- fived. They had "disappeared" just to let Shin and (y/n) stay alone for a day, and it seemed like their idea to let them get closer had worked out just fine.

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