(Goku x Reader) In health and sickness

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(Y/n) had just finished making dinner when she heard her husband Goku come back home after a long day spent working in his field. This time, he had asked Piccolo to come and help him and by how his clothes were reduced, it was obvious that the two of them had a match for old time's sake.

Goten and (y/n) both went to greet him as soon as he entered the house.
"Welcome back, Goku! Did you have a good fight with Piccolo?" The woman said with a big smile on her face. She loved hearing her husband talking about training and fighting strong opponents. Whenever he did, his eyes would light up and shine with excitement and his joy would start spreading to those around him, too.

"You bet we did!" He said but before he could give away the details, his stomach grumbled. "Err, (y/n), do you mind if we have dinner first?" he asked, putting a hand on it.

"We're pretty hungry, too, but you'll have to change your clothes first if you want to eat," the woman answered while pointing at the Saiyan's ripped outfit. Goku laughed a little and obeyed (y/n)'s order.

The Son family enjoyed the meal while listening to Goku's story. It was sweet moments like this that (y/n) enjoyed the most: the smile on Goku's face and their kid laughter made her feel like the luckiest wife of the universe. After the meal, both Goten and Goku helped the woman cleaning the kitchen. Once he had finished his task, the little boy went straight to bed: he and Trunks were going to train together the day after so he decided to go to bed earlier than usual and rest a little more.

"If you're tired you can go and rest too, you know. I can clean up this place by myself," (y/n) said to her husband.

"Me? Tired? That's a good joke!" the man simply answered, giving her his brightest smile. "But more importantly, are you feeling well (y/n)? You're the one who looks pretty tired to me," he then asked, with a more serious voice. The woman stopped washing the plate she was holding and reassured her husband that she was fine, though the Saiyan ignored her completely and put a hand on her forehead. 

"(Y/n), you're burning up," he commented frowning a little. (Y/n)'s face immediately turned red from that sudden touch. "Come here," Goku said before wrapping her in his arms. "I appreciate what you do for me (y/n), but you don't need to neglect your health..." he whispered. (Y/n) wanted to tell Goku that she was really fine, but the words just didn't want to leave her mouth so she buried her face in his chest and hugged him tightly instead.  

The man then gently picked her up bridal style and after bringing her into their bedroom, he laid her on the bed. "You stay here and rest, ok? I'll take care of everything!" he proudly exclaimed. Seeing Goku showing his concern for (y/n) wasn't exactly a common event. It was clear that he loved her but the Saiyan never really thought about showing it and luckily, the matter didn't bother (y/n) that much. This time though it was a little different: maybe it was because of her fever, but (y/n) was now seeking her husband's attentions.

She grabbed his arm before he could get away. "Stay here a little," she muttered. Goku gave her a patient smile and caressed her head with his free hand.

"As you wish," he whispered and laid next to her. He then embraced her tenderly and in a question of minutes, she fell asleep. "Thank you for everything you do (y/n)." Goku thought as he left a soft kiss on her forehead.

The woman unconsciously smiled. She truly was the luckiest wife of the universe. 

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