Time to meet the others

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Lilly: so rosy what is this place?

Rosy: hum? Didn't Jeff tell you?

Lilly: no Jeffy boy did not and where is it.

Lilly looks around for her weapon but did not see it but a small knife as she picks it up and looks it over.

Lilly: wait how can I see with out my eyes?

Rosy: well your the same as Jack.

Lilly: who's that?

Rosy: soon you will meet most of us that are still here but most have been forgotten but the first proxy well explane it all to you soon.

Lilly: hum the first proxy.

Rosy: yeah and I'm guessing Jeff forgot to tell you that to.

Lilly: yeah not much was said.

Rosy: I see.

They hear knock on Lilly's door and before they could say something Jeff walked in and Jack behide him.

Jeff: hey he's ready to speak with you Eyeless Lilly.

Lilly: bite me Jeffy!

Jeff: shut it you pain!

Jack: hahahaha! Jeffy dame "Jeffy" she gots you steamed.

Jeff and Lilly start to fight with word and lines that made no since and as this was happening the first stepped into the room but they did not see him but Jack and Rosy was behide him.

???: Jeff, Lilly cut it out and no pun intended.

Lilly: so cut him then.

???: ye... wait what no.

Rosy: just stop.

As the first and the girls leave the room as Jack and Jeff talked abit before leaveing the room but as they talk so did the girls and the first was talking about every thing that is going on.

???: do you know why and how you got here?

Rosy: I was murder by a man with a hood.

Lilly: but I was not murder tho?

???: you snapped and butchered two girls and your friend.

Lilly: what I did not do that did I?

???: when you got mad and grab the thunder oni.

Lilly: what do you mean by that?

Rosy: the thunder oni is crused and it makes the welder snap and drives them insane.

???: that's why you ripped your eyes little one.

Lilly: I see. So what well I be doing here.

Rosy: well to find more people like us for one.

???: spread the word of the proxy and your own story out their.

Lilly: how do I do that?

???: you will have to find that out for yourself.

Rosy: of crouse you will not help.

Rosy sighs from this news but we see that Jack walks into the room and looks at the first.

Jack: so where's Jane and clockwork at?

Rosy: not here their out doing whatever they do on the weekend.

Jack: o right their woman's day out.

Jeff: more like week they are never here when me need them.

Rosy: ture but still that's not right to talk down about them when they are right behide you.

Jeff jump a little from last time when Jane stabbed him and seeing she was not their soon as he turned back only Jack was left their.

Jack: well I'm leaving now I have kidney's to eat so bye.

Jeff: I'll be in my room then just don't tell her that I said that I have to meny stab wounds from the bitch. Okay?

Jack: okay. And did you get all that mis Jane?

Jane: excuse me!

Jeff turn around just to get stabbed by Jane and clockwork stepped out from behide Jane

Clockwork: I hope I'm not going to the bitch your talking about am i?

Jeff: no clockwork your more of a pain

Clockwork and Jane grab Jeff as he started to kick and scream for help they dragged him into James room

Hours past by

Every one is that the dinner table as every one is takeing their sets as they wait for Jane, clockwork, and Jeff to get here as they waited only Jane and clockwork took their sets

Lilly: where's Jeff?

Jane and clockwork starts to laugh as Jeff peeks around the corner as he steps out and every one see him in a light blue dress in red high heels as everyone laughs at him

Jeff: I hate both of you

Jane: you say that all the time Jeffery

Jeff: bite me slutty Jane

Jane: do I have to cut you Jeffery

???: quite both of you Jeff take your set

Jeff: yes sir

As they started to finish dinner ... every one start back to their rooms and now back in Jeff's room he changed out of that dress and high heels

Jeff: I'll get them back soon

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