Rosy's death

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16 hours until death

???: Rosy wait up.

Rosy waited for her "friend" to catch up as they started to walk out to the lunch room Rosy felt a cold fall breeze and she started to shiver but her friend would not shut up about a rumour about some kid who cut his eyes out or had them removed some thing like that I really did not give a dame about it bc it's a dumb rumour and I know I can't believe what she says because she just spreads lies and rumours with every week but to the mean point who cares about this little rumours and other kids dying I'll be the last one laughing because every one in this school will fade from this world with out a traces of them left behide .... but whatever today is taco Tuesday but it got cancelled and we are having pizza today so yeah well it was not to bad but if she would hush it on that rumour about that kid god dame ....

12 hours until death

I was now at practices just having fun shooting the targets but after a few minutes of shooting I started to see some kid about my age and he looked like that kid my "friend" was talking about I started to get scared abit I started to yell at him

Rosy: WHO ARE YOU !!!

I shouted over and over until someone came running to see what as going on and as soon as I break eye contact and look at my teacher running out to me and look back to where he was standing he was gone ... but I know I was not loseing my mine

???: Rosy you okay?

Rosy: yea I'm fine I think?

???: why was you screaming?

Rosy: I thought their was a boy out here with me and all.

???: well theirs no one here Rosy.

Rosy: I'm just working to hard maybe.

???: yeah maybe if I was you I would call it a day out here and head home.

Rosy: yeah I think I should to

8 hours until death

I as I was doing chores around my empty house and sing to my favorite song but was I start to put the dish up I got a call for mom

Mom: hey sweetie.

Rosy: hey mom what's up.

Mom: I'll be home late tonight.

Rosy: oh okay mom I'll make some thing and put it up for you and you can eat it later okay?

Mom: okay sounds great and you got your chores done?

Rosy: yes mama all done I'll be getting my homework done before bed to if you?

Mom: no it's fine don't push your self okay sweetie and bye

Rosy: okay mom and bye love ya

Mom: love ya to

6 hours until death

As I darwed a hot bath and got a change of clothes I seen that boy again outside bit this time with a tall, slender, and pale man. I started to freak abit but then I rubbed my eyes and they was gone ... I started to the bathroom to relax in the tub the hot water felt so good on my skin I started to dreft off to sleep in the water

5 hours until death

I headed a voice telling me to wake up it sound so kind and sweet I open my eyes slowly and seen no one their so I started to think it was a dream but I don't know at this point I'm freezing in the water so I got out slowly and started to dry off slowly and getting dressed ... so I could start to cooking as I look at the clock to see the time it was 11: 06 pm smiles a bit just knowing mom will be home but as I was cooking I started to fell a little light headed so I turn the fire off to go lay down in my bed I slowly shut my eyes and feel soundly to sleep

Less then an Hour until death

I found my self on the floor in so much pain I tried scream for my mother but nothing came out but a little blood did I slowly looked around to find who did me in but it was dark

???: I see your awake and still alive so I'll make it quick then because you don't have much time

As I seen him a boy wearing a hoodie and something in his hand

???: I'm one of few who has die and came back but you have something in your eyes at I like so I'll let him take a look at you

As a tall man picked me up I could not find his eyes or his mouth frozen in fear just knowing this was my end I spit blood in his face and as this happen he droped me and from that drop I broke my right arm in two as I tried to crawl away I felt a sharp pain in my leg

???: now now Rosy down try to run you will be rotting rosy in a few minutes from now

Later that night

Rosy: ugh my head this killing me

I looked around and seen not one thing that was the same just a few minutes later a boy and a tall, slender, and pale man walked in the room they told me what happen and I cryed softly because I could not believe i was dead I killed meself with a arrow what will be come of me now?

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