I started to sprint towards my car- inches away from the car handle I was pulled back by a muscular arm wrapped around my throut, Tanner had placed his chin ontop of my head, digging it into my scalp. I couldn't breath; I scratched his arms repeatedly and tried to pry them out but nothing worked. I kicked and struggled in his strong grip, he pulled me back closer to the bushes and laid me down harshly on the ground, gripping harder and harder around my neck.

"P-please" I mange to choke out. I stopped kicking and shoving thinking maybe he would see pity and let me go, but nope! He wasn't showing any sign of stopping.

"Who's gonna save you now pretty lady?" He crooked his heads, licking his lips. Taking in every single detail of my slim body figure. Hiss eyes landed on my exposing cleavage. He traced the outlines of my boobs with his free hand, I could feel his body tension, I was laying in between his legs; I felt him go harder and harder. Shit.

"I'll let you go. But only on one condition" He lossens his grip on my throut, I grasp for air, my chest raising and falling in a fast speed. I slowed down my breathing and went back to normal, his arm was still wrapped around my neck so I couldn't escape.

"What?" I questioned, questions flooded my mind. What did he want? He wants to rape me? Steal my pencils? Hump me? Cut my hair? Slap my ass? Kiss me? Al these thoughts were roaming around my mind endlessly as he finally spoke up.

"You have to have sex with me." I stopped breathing, my whole world stopped. It felt like I was in slow motion and only had to choose between two decisions; kinda like that walking dead game except I couldn't choose. I had to have sex with him. He looked into my eyes, a dominic feature came across his face followed by his signature, cocky smirk.

"I can't, I can't" I shreiked, tears started to form in my eyes, I didn't want to have been raped because I had red some stories on tumblr and oh yeah, I was NOT ready to be raped, never will.

"Yes you can!" He yelled, removing his arm from my neck and gripping my jaws.

"I-" He threw a punch at my fragile face. I threw my head to a side, tears spilling out of my eyes. Pure regret flooded over me. I shoud had never came back, never should've.

"Now, be a good girl and stop squirming and follow daddy's rules" He grabbed my wrists and pinned my down onto the floor, he held one hand over my mouth, I kicked and tried to wiggle out of his grip but he was to strong for me. He took out a peice of white cotton rope and tied it around my hands, I tried to slap him but nothing worked. He succesfully tied them and I had nothing to do but suffer. Good bye Nash. I shut my eyes tight, not wanting to see his dick poking into my woman hole.

He started kissing me roughly but I didn't kiss back, he slid his hands inside my pants and panties, he started moving his fingers around, I felt extremely uncomfortable by his touch. I let out a soft scream. I held my eyes shut tight, what he was doing doesn't feel pleasant at all, it was all disgusting and nasty. He then stuck to fingers inside of me; I couldn't help it anymore, I screamed. Bad idea.

"Anyone hurt?!" I heard a elderly man about in his 40's say, he was so close to us; probrably on the sidewalk.

"Shut up or I'll stick this knife up your throut" Tanner threatened, looking up at me- still inserting his cold hands inside my clit.

"Ma'm!" The bush was pulled open, revealing a man wearing a green baseball cap and a yellow t-shirt, he looked like he worked in the nearby drug store, taking a afternoon stroll. Tanner stuck his fingers out of my panties, licking them with such lust in his eyes, I was laying there purr disgust in my eyes. I crinkled up my nose and tensed my body.

"Get away from us!" Tanner demanded, clutching his fists by his side and a small pocket knife on the other. The 40's man looked confident but yet scared.

The Night That Changed My Life (Nash Grier Dirty Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora