Fatty Fists

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Of course I didn't sleep that night, how could I? I have an awful feeling that I'll never be able to sleep right again unless I'm somewhere close to Jim.

If this mate thing is for real it is way more intense than my Mom ever told me about... I guess I was kind of young for the full details back then, but it's not like I can ask Dad about it, it would be beyond uncomfortable.

I feel so stupid about what happened yesterday with Jim. I can't believe that even happened, I can't even remember how I got into the office let alone how I got myself under Jim, the poor man was probably petrified. I know I was.

I'll never be able to look him in the eye again after that, I am so embarrassed. It's not that it wasn't, you know, good or anything because it was, it was beyond good, but I can't just fall into this thing that's going on between us.

As much as he might hate hearing it, we really don't know each other. Things I know about Jim - His name is Jim, he is a Werewolf, he is my Dad's Beta, he is supposed to be my mate, he has green eyes and is really tall, his hair is the same dark brown as mine is. That's it, that's all I got. Pathetic right?

What's even more pathetic is that even after I've gone through my pitiful list proving my ignorance of this man, I still miss him. I still look for him when I hear my Dad coming and going through the door. Why am I such a mess over this? I'm a friggin' Werewolf, I turn into an animal for crying out loud and I can't handle a guy? Where is the justice?

Pursing my lips at the ceiling from my bed, I stuck out a hand to my right, feeling around the bedside table for my cell - of course it wasn't there, I never take the thing out of my bag. So I stuck my hand down, swatting it at floor level until it collided with the material I recognised as my bag and pulled it up on to my bed.

Shoving my hands inside it and throwing everything that I picked up and didn't want fast trying to find my cell, problem was I was on such a roll I didn't recognise my cell until after I had launched it across the room and it hit the side of my dressing table, ultimately cracking the black plastic cover. 

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. 

I slid off of my bed and crouched by the table to assess the damage. Minimal though it was it still annoyed me, but I huffed out a breath and let it go before I picked out Fletcher's number from my list of contacts. It rang for five seconds before he picked it up.


"Fletcher? It's Beth."

"Oh hey, want to hang out?" He asked airly.

I smiled. "Yes, but not with you."

"Ouch." Fletcher laughed.

"I was wondering... would Lucy want to hang out, with me, possibly today?" I felt a little awkward asking him, she is his mate and all plus, me being who I am she might not be crazy to see me.

"Are you kidding? She's been biting my ear off practically to meet you; woman is crazy. Want me to call her and ask?"

"Yes please, I need to be around a girl - men are annoying."

"On behalf of men I apologise."

"Get it to me in writing and I will accept your apology." I smiled as he laughed again.

"I'll see what I can do, I'll call Lucy and text you."

"Ok, thanks Fletch."

"No problem, talk to you later Beth."


I waited around for a couple minutes trying to think what I could occupy myself with if she said no to going out today. Hmm, not really happy about the idea of going for a swim again after my near death experience the last time, I didn't have any homework to bore myself with, speaking of - I need to talk to Dad about getting his butt moving and enrol me already because I'm wasting time doing nothing.

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