Doll || PhaYo

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" mommy...." Called a little boy looks like he is 6 years old, who just came out from Teachers room. His face looks like he wants to cry.

His mom went to him and hug him, she wipes the tears from his son cheeks " what's wrong yo? you don't like your new school? or there are someone who being mean to you? tell mommy sweety "

" m-my doll mom hiks...a group of older boy take mr.smayley with them hiks...they said boy didn't play with doll so they take mr.smayley with them and throw it into the thrash can hiks hiks " said the chubby kid with tears running down into his cheeks, his mom wipes all the tears and pat his cheeks.

" wayo, sweety listen to mommy. don't cry again okay? just ignore them na? it's okay if you want to play with a doll, mommy let you play with mr.smayley, so don't cry again na? And also mommy will help you to find mr.Smayley, how about that? "

Wayo looked at his mom, he nods " okay mom, but yo still upset why the senior said that boy can't play with a doll? especially mr smayley?! " said wayo, his mom chuckled. wayo is so cute when he being grumpy like that.

" maybe their mom doesn't let them play with their favorite doll? "

" but why you let me play with mr.smayley mom? " asked wayo

" because if mommy take mr.smayley from you, you will be so mad at mommy "

when Wayo and his mom was about to go to their car, some guy looks like older than Wayo went to him with a teddy bear doll in his hand.

" this is your doll, right? " said him handed yo his favorite mr.smayley

Wayo take mr.smayley from the older guy " mr.smayley! khub p' this is my doll! where do you find him? " said yo while hugging his mr.smayley

" i appologize for my friends na? i find your doll at thrash can in the corridor, forgive my friends if they're being mean to you. that's not what they meant, they do that because they thought you are so cute but you're to focus playing with your doll, so they take it from you and they can play with you " Said the older guy

Wayo nods his head and wayo mom smiled to the older guy for his brave to appologize for his friend " it's okay, er what's your name kid? "

" i'm Pha, Phana Kongthanin aunty "

" it's okay Pha, but You guys do not meant to hurt wayo right? "

Pha shakes his head quickly " of course not aunty! we are not going to hurt wayo, it just he is so cute and we want to play with him "

Wayo mom smiled again " okay then, wayo say thanks to P'Pha because he gave you back your mr.smayley "

" thank you so much p'pha! because of you i met with mr.smayley again ~ " said Wayo happily, Pha chuckled at how cute wayo is, he really want to pinch those chubby cheeks of him.

" you're welcome wayo " said Pha with smile

" so, wayo do you want to go home or not? because your teacher said you cried and tell them that you want to go home " asked wayo's mom

Wayo shakes his head " no mom! i want to play with p'pha, btw p'pha which grade are you? i'm on grade 1 "

" p' on 4rd grade yo " said Pha

" then, can mommy back to work? don't be a naughty kid okay yo? and Phana, aunty hope you can be a good senior for yo, okay? mommy back to work first na? bye~ bye~ " Said Wayo mom as she left wayo with Phana.

" bye bye mommy/aunty! " said wayo and Pha waving his hand at his wayo mom's car

" p'pha~ " said wayo

" khub yo? "

wayo went over him and give him a kiss on his cheeks


" this is for you because p'pha give me back my mr.smiley "


" this is for being so kind to me "


"  this is for being friends with me "


" and this is for our ' first relationship ' as friend from now "

Pha left yo who got freeze after Pha kiss him on his small lips, wayo touch his lips.

" P'PHA! " yelled yo, he runs over the older guy and hit him with his doll

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