How to Avoid Getting Caught, 101

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  He glared at me, the usual friendliness nowhere in sight. "May I talk to you outside, Lillian?"
I pressed my lips together, mixed emotions rising in me. On on hand, Mr. Ambrose had everything, and was amusing sometimes. On the other, Captain James Carter, friendly, smiling, but terrifying when angry. It was clear that he had feeling for me, I just wasn't sure if I returned those feelings.
Finally, I nodded at let myself be led outside.

I could let my emotions go free. "Why do you care if me and Mr. Ambrose are connected?? Why would it matter to you!!!????"
Captain Carter pressed his lips into an angry line. "How would you even know him? Forgive me, but you aren't exactly one of the richest families around here."
"It shouldn't matter to you either ways. If you want my hand, you're going to have to earn it, and you are now way down the list. I'd sooner marry Lord Eugene Dlagliesh." And with that, I trend and stormed away.

"Goodbye, Ms. Linton." Captain Carter said, a smile on his face. "I enjoyed our talk together."
I plastered a fake smile on my face. "As did I." Captain Carter slowly took my hand and kissed it. He walked away.
As I stared at the spot with a kiss plastered on it, the tingly, soft feeling was gone. In its place was a slimy awfulness.

My smile instantly righted itself into a frown. I stormed up to my room, and began to do a great deal of thinking.

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