Chapter 2 - Strength

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"The two just kept running, and running," (Y/N) was telling another story. It was nice, they took my mind off of everything goung on, and the pain I was feeling from the Gladiator fights. "They were running...." she paused, "They're coming. They're coming." She sounded terrified.

I knew she had a reason to. Every day I heard her screams, her sobbs of pain. They tourtered her, they didn't even take her out of her cell to do it, and they leave once they were done. I remember the second day I was there. I just sat there as I heard the girl that calmed me down after my first gladiator fight, the one who would start talking stories in the middle of the night cause she couldn't sleep. The girl who laughed at jokes she tells her self. The only thing good on this entire ship, scream in agony. Pleading to be killed.

I watched as the guards left her cell. Her sobs still echoing into my own. "(Y/n)," I called out to her, wanting to be there for her like she had been for me.

"Please forget you heard that," she pleased, her voice barely audible, "I'm not weak, but I need them to think I am."

"(Y/N)," I called out again, "You're not weak, you're strong."

"I'm not weak," I heard her whimper over and over again. She was delicious in pain. I've learned to wait after the second meal to talk to her, as she is usually back to her senses by then.

"They're coming," she repeated for the last time.  She didn't seem scared anymore, it was like she was saying it to prepaid herself. More guards came than usual, and they were accompanied by a Druid. Only two of them entered the cell. I heard little to no struggling, I was confused on what was going on. That was until they brought her out. That was my first time ever seeing her. Her (h/c) hair was long, below her waist, as they didn't let us cut our hair. It was madded down with grease, sweat, and blood. She was (height) with a thin from years of malnutrition. Her (s/c) skin was stained with blood and grime. You could see scars through the layer of disgusting substance. Her (e/c) eyes were angles towards the ground and held a strong glare.

She immediately started fighting, jumping up, ovwr her hands which had been cuffed behind her back. She spun kicked on of the guards in the head. She landed perfectly, and rammed the thick metal of her cuffs in the head of another guard. They quickly restrained her and dragged her away. "This is why they don't let me oyt of my cell," she told me with a smile. She literally took the time to look back to just tell me that. I had been conversating, comforting, and beinf comforted by that girl for months now, and I still didn't understand her. All I knew is that I wouldn't had been able to make it that far without her.

She never returned that day. I anxiously waited. It was quite with out her joking around, or telling stories. I would have even taken her heartbreaking screams. Anything to know she was still there. That she was still there for me. Someone to listen, someone who understood. She was the onlything keeping me from thinking I was a monster.

I was awakening in the middle of the night by (Y/N) laughing. "I will never break. You will never male me join you. You can mever have it," she sounded so determined. I didn't understand what she was talking about. I stayed up rest of the night trying to figure out what she many. Only to forget about it as she told a story.

That day they came again, like the normally did. It was either to tourter her, or to bring me to the gladiator fight. They opened my cell, so I thought I was going to the gladiator fight, but there was a druid with them. "No don't take him!" (Y/N) yelled through her cell, sticking her thin arm between the bars in her window. "Don't hurt him. Its me you want, I'm the one who has the connection with it. DON'T BRING HOM INTO THIS!" I heard her screaming from down the hall.

- • -

"What happened to you!?" (Y/N) yelled frantically. I had finally returned to my cell. I don't know how long I was gone from it, but long enough to lose an arm. "No wait! Don't tell me. I can't handle that your hurt and I can't do anything about it."

"I know how you can help," I told her through the pain, "Can you tell me a story?" She let put a little chuckle, but still went through with my request.

"There once was a foolish girl. She grew up hearing the stories of two worlds. Of heroes and adventures. All she ever wanted was to be one. Within her people was a legend of this power hidden in the world, far more powerful than anything they could make.

She found this power, and wanted to use it for good. Even though people advised her against it, she left her world. In search of her enemy, who had also been searching for the power she know had.

She came across a part of the enemy. She had doubts she could take it on, but being the fool she was, she fought them all alone. She lost and had the power taken from her. But it wasn't that simple. The power was bonded to her. For then to be able to use that power they would need to bring her to their side.

The fool held onto hope, in a place that kills it. She holds onto hope to keep the power from falling into the wrong hands. She still holds on to this day." That was different than all the stories she had told before. Lacking all the eliments they usually held.

One thing remained the same though. "Never a fan of happy endings," I teased her.

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