This is Me... Kind of

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Chapter 5

"Go sit on the floor in the living room I'll be right back." Demi said and gave me a little push towards the living room area.

I slowly made my way to the floor. I sat down on the white carpet. Oh dear Lord, she has a white floor. Well not for long.

I glanced around the room. She had a few pictures and paintings. Most of her furniture was white and black. I know what couch I'll be using. Lets just say I'm not the most coordinated person in the world.

Demi came back in with a bottle.

"Woe there Demi, we just met, I'm not really up for a game of spin the bottle."

"What are you talking about? This bottle is full, and it's actually a root beer because I'm thirsty, but thank you for amusing me." Demi laughed.

"Oh! So your thirsty?" I questioned getting a look.

"Not like that, kids these days," Demi said the last part barely audible.

"Demi, you look like a kid yourself, I mean how old are you? Twenty?"

"Twent-one actually."

"That's still a child in my book, and that's not much of a difference."

"Well in my book," she exaggerated the way she said book, "I'm an adult, now deal with it, but back to why your sitting on the floor-"

"Actually," I cut Demi off, "why am I on the floor? Do you have a thing with people sitting on the couches or-"

"Oh hush up you, if you want to sit on the couch, go for it."

"Thank you," I said and hopped up and sat on the black sofa.

"Okay," Demi broke the silence, "So I don't know you that well, so tell me about yourself."

"There's not much, I mean you know my name, that's about it."

"There has to be more than that, do you have any hobbies? Are you dating? How old are you? Favorite color? Something, anything."

"First of all, my hobby usually consists of Tumblr and Twitter and the internet in general. Second, no I'm not dating anyone, my favorite color is black, and I don't know what else to say."

"Well then, but still that's more than you gave me before. But I have a question."

I hesitated and gulped quietly, scared of the question. I breathed out "yeah" but my breath was shaky and uneven.

What is she going to ask. I'm scared.

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