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Chapter 1

I looked up into the mirror that stood in front of me. I saw myself, shoulders down sitting on my legs and feet, and the blood around my neck.

I lifted my hands in front of my my face, there was blood. I looked up my arms, more blood. I looked back up and at my clothes, even more blood, but not my own. I looked down at the pale figure laid before me. The bloody knife lays just next to the body.

What have I done?

"I-I didn't mean it! I swear! I'm sorry." I sobbed to the lifeless body.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

*Earlier that day*

I woke up from my sleep and look at the clock. 6:23. Ugh, I have to get ready for school.

I get out of bed, I turn on the light, and catch a glimpse at myself in the mirror. Wow I look hot. I laugh at myself with my hair all over the place and make-up under my eyes. Maybe I should start taking that off before I go to bed.

I exit my bedroom and go to the bathroom. It's locked.

"MOM!" I yell at the door. "Come on, I.need to pee!" I yell.

"Brooklyn, you can wait two minutes." She yells from the inside.

"No I can't! I've really got to go."

"Wait." My Mom says.

"Fine I'll just go outside." I laugh.

"Brooklyn, no. We have neighbors you know."

"I don't have many options now do I?" Right then she opens the door and it smacks me in the head and sends me falling to the floor. Ouch. I rub my head as my Mom is laughing at me, almost in tears.

"Who built this house anyway? Who makes a bathroom door swing out?" I say. "And stop laughing, its not funny." Actually no, it hilarious. I start laughing.

I get up and run to the bathroom.

Once I'm done, I wash my hands and brush my teeth. I then go back to my room put on my make up, straighten my hair and then I put on my outfit.

I was wearing a white cropped shirt that said "Can You Not" across the front.

I put a leather jacket on top of that, then I put on black ripped jeans, along with my black Converses. I grab my white iPhone 5s and my black Jansport bookbag and head down stairs where my Mom had breakfast ready for me.

I go to the fridge and grab a cold water bottle and open it and start to drink it.

"Brooklyn, why don't you just get water from the dispenser in the fridge instead of drinking all the water bottles? And where's the rest of your shirt!"

"Kim, relax, I'm taking it to school and its the style, get used to it."

"That's Mom, to you miss, now hurry up, I don't want you being late for school."

I am almost finished the Frosted Flakes my Mom poured for me. "Brook, did you take your pill?" My pill for my bipolar disorder, without it, I usually get really angry or upset and many other things, but it's not good, that's for sure.

"I'll take it after I'm finished eating." I say.

I finished the cereal and started drinking the milk out of the bowl. I finished that and started walking to the sink, and I dropped the bowl. What else was new.

"Brook, I'm going to start giving you plastic bowls and plates if you dont stop dropping them." She laughs and starts picking up the pieces.

7:07, I better get going or I'll be late for school.

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