Chapter 8

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I stroked Oaks forehead and went clear to her nose.

"Hey Abbie,"Chandler said leaning on the stall door.

"Hi,"I responded.

"So you going to go on a ride?"he asked.

I shrugged and then shook my head.

"Are you scared?"he asked in a playful way.

"No,"I replied.

"C'mon your a little scared,"he responded.

"No I'm not,"I snapped.

"Yeah whatever,"he replied.

"You can go take care of your horse,"I bellowed.

"Geez sorry," he then walked away.

My head was throbbing so I held it.

I do like Chandler but he's with Joy.

I opened the stall door and walked to Molly but she wasn't there.

"Molly where are you,"I asked.

I honestly could care less,but once I turned around my heart sank.

Chandler and Joy were kissing.

I blew him off,I don't need no damn guy.Wait did I say that aloud.

I walked over to Chester' s stall.He's a gorgeous black paint that Ethan owns.

"Hi,"someone said.

I turned around to see Ethan with that gorgeous smile,lushes golden hair,ice blue eyes.

"Hey,"I replied.

He handed me a note.

So your gorgeous and would u be my gurlfrind?

I kissed his cheek.

"Your adorable,"I said.

I walked to the entrance and Chandler was standing there.

"Sup,"I blushed and continued to walk. swag girl.I smacked my forehead.

I walked inside and sat down.

Chandler ran in and shouted,"I got my permit to drive from my house to here and school!"

I nodded and continued to watch t.v.

"You don't care?"he asked.

I care but my stupid mouth said,"it's nice I guess,"

He shut the door and walked away getting in a white Chevy pickup.

I went to my room and I was in my room for 25minutes and Max ran up stairs.

"Dude Chandler got in a car crash!"he shouted.

I dashed outside and into the jeep.

I ran into the hospital room.


Chandler was motionless except for the faint flutter of him eyes.

Tears filled my eyes.

"C-Chandler?"I stuttered.

He moaned.

"Chandler I'm not ready to move on.....I know I kissed Ethan but that was to make you jealous,"

He groaned.

"Abbie we need to talk,"Chandlers mom said.

I collapsed crying.

"We aren't sure about his survival chances, "She cried.

I couldn't stop the tears.

Max rubbed my back.

"He can't die,"I cried.

Max made me leave because we had to set up for the show.

September ran up to me and hugged me.

Zelda was riding Pepper and her form was terrible.

I take a deep breath and go over smiling tears still dripping off my face.

"Hi,"I said through clenched teeth.

"Hi Abbie,"she said.

I walked in and asked,"can I ride Pepper?"

Peppers eyes sparkled.

"I mean sure....she has terrible form,"Zelda said making it sound like it was Peppers fault.

We galloped around the corral and then I leaned up as we sailed over the fence.

"Go Pepper run long and hard,"I told her whispering.

Tears fled down my face as we galloped through the forest.

I never wanted to stop until my phone began vibrating.

I stared at my phone before nailing my heels in Peppers side's and galloped to the hospital.

Sorry for it being short!!!But I'll hopefully make it up in the next chapter.

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