"Since you're here, I lost your cell number so I called your apartment phone but it didn't ring. No voice mail no nothing! Where were you?" Amami said looking extremely confused.

"I tried too, but it didn't work either,"Kaede chimed in.

Since Ouma had arrived at Kiibos place Thursday night, and packed all of Friday, he hadn't been to school since then so the two had no idea of his current situation.

"Oh, do I have a story to tell you!"


"Really! Dude, you have a serious problem with Panta," Amami said with a dumbfounded expression, "Did Kiibo scold and lecture you?"

"Yeah, quite a bit." Ouma sighed. He didn't like recalling the memories of Kiibo yelling at him, he didn't like when the robot was mad.

"But why did you go to Kiibo?" Amami questioned, "You could have came to me, I probably wouldn't have been so hard on you. Plus I am looking for a roommate."

He was right, it probably would have been better to go to Amami since he would have been nicer and he has been looking for a new roommate ever since he had a fight with his old one and kicked him out. Why Kiibo? He didn't really know why he had gone to Kiibo before anyone else. Maybe it was because he liked messing with him, he did have the best reactions. Or maybe he was curious how he lived being a robot. Or maybe he liked being around the robot and felt comfortable around him, maybe it was his amazing smile that made his heart melt every time he saw it, or maybe it was his golden laugh that made him want to just grab the robot and-

"Ohhh~ I see..." Kaede smirked, staring at the small boy. Ouma didn't realize that his face had broken out in a dark red. The two others were smiling at the boy in a devilish way as they finally clued in.

"You totally like him!" Amami cheered. Oumas face darkened even more.

"S-shut up!" Ouma stuttered awkwardly. Ouma looked at the ground as his blush deepened, and started fiddling with a curl in his hair, which only managed to confirm their suspicions.

"Awwww!" Kaede said as she gave the small boy a big hug, "I'm so happy for you!"

"L-let go of me!" Ouma said as he managed to wiggle out of her grasp. It's not like he hated being hugged, it's just since he's much shorter then the girl, he was being suffocated by her chest.

"You don't have to be so happy, it's not like we're getting married or anything..." Ouma said regaining his breath.

"Yeahhh...but you'd like that wouldn't you," Amami teased. Once again, Oumas face grew a deep red as he started twiddling his thumbs.

"W-well Kaede, w-what about you and y-your boyfriend! When's the baby coming!" Ouma stuttered trying to change the subject off of him. This time it was Kaedes turn to turn red, it wasn't as bad as Ouma, but it was still noticeable.

"Nice try shorty, but I won't let your teasing bother me!" Kaede said as she crossed her arms. She said this yet her face was growing more and more red by the second.

"Hey wait a minute, I've never seen you wear that shirt before," Kaede said in a devilish voice, smirking again, "I thought you didn't like plaid...could it be you're trying to...impress someone?"

"Shut up! You two are mean!" Ouma pouted, his blush deepening even more. The two started laughing, they found it adorable that Ouma was trying to impress the robot.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he loves it!" Amami said, patting Ouma on the head.

They talked for a little while longer, Amami and Kaede continued to tease Ouma about the robot, until eventually the bell rung. Amami and Ouma had the same class first period so they said goodbye to Kaede and walked to class. While they were walking, Amami stopped Ouma.

"If you ever need any help in your journey of love, let me know, I'll try my best to help you with anything you need." Amami said smiling. Ouma gave Amami a thankful smile, he knew he would probably need help.

"Thanks...actually...could you try to find out who Kiibo likes?..." Ouma asked. Amami giggled at Oumas suggestion, Ouma was never in love so it was nice to see this new side of him.

"Don't worry, I was planning on doing that anyways."


The day seemed to slowly crawl by for Kiibo, he had no classes with Ouma today and longed to see him. Eventually, classes came to an end and people started getting ready to go home. Kiibo spotted Ouma down the hall at his locker talking to Kaede, he didn't want to interrupt their conversation, but he really wanted to see the small boy.

"So what do you think?" Ouma asked Kaede.

"Well...hmmm...I mean, even though he is a robot, he was designed to be a human so I'd assume he'd have one..." Kaede answered pondering the question and looking extremely confused.

"Yeah, but every time I ask him about it he gets mad or avoids the question...maybe he's too shy to admit he doesn't have one?" Ouma said looking just as confused as Kaede.

"Hmmm, that's a good point." Kaede said. Both of them sighed in defeat, they would never know the answer until the robot decided to tell them himself.

"Hey!" Kiibo yelled, running up to the two. Both of them stopped their conversation and turned to Kiibo.

"Oh, hey Kiibo!" Both of them said in unison, they prayed he hadn't heard what they were talking about. Kaede noticed that Oumas face seemed to brighten at the sight of the robot, which made her smile.

Kaede had known Ouma for as long as she could remember. He usually comes off as a troublesome kid who can be very annoying and rude, which is why for a long time he had no friends accept her. The thing other kids chose to ignore is that once you got to know him, he could be really sweet and caring, and could be a really fun friend to have. But, because other kids were generally mean to him, she had never really seen him experience love before, so it made her extremely happy to see him finally find someone to love.

As the two of them talked, she just listened and observed how he reacted to things and watched the different expressions he wore.

"Oh! Before I forget, I have a spare key that I was planning on giving you, I forgot to give it to you this morning so you might as well take them now." Kiibo said as he reached into his bag and pulled out a key with a little chibi robot keychain attached to it. Ouma took the key and put it in his bag, quickly checking the time before closing it.

"Shoot! Sorry, but I have to go now or I'll be late to work!" Ouma said as he frantically grabbed his stuff from his locker, closed it, and started to run off.

"See you!" Ouma called as he turned around quickly and gave the two of them a little wave before sprinting away.

"Bye Ouma!" Kaede called.

"Bye, see you at home!" Kiibo called as he waved back. Kaede took a moment to study Kiibos expression after Ouma left, she noticed he looked a little sadder then he did when he was talking with Ouma. Seeing this made her feel more confident that Ouma was going to be ok.

"Hey Kiibo, I gotta leave too, meeting someone soon and I don't want to be late. Have fun with Ouma." Kaede said, winking to the robot as she ran off as well. Kiibo stood there by himself pondering what she had said. Have fun with Ouma, what was that supposed to mean.

Surprise Roommate {Kiibouma}Where stories live. Discover now