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Karlie: you're stupid you know that?

Cara: how dare you? -_-

Karlie: Why don't you just tell her the truth?!

Cara: I don't wanna see her! Is that too much to ask?!


Cara: AND SO?!


Cara: If you're in my case, you'd do the same won't you?


Cara: See?

Karlie: Fuck you.

Karlie: Is she there?

Cara: She's sleeping beside me.

Karlie: You must've really tired the fuck out of her.

Cara: I actually feel bad. She looks exhausted.

Karlie: Just don't let Kendall know that she's there or she'll kill you.

Cara: I know. I'm actually surprised that Kendall hasn't noticed anything yet.

Karlie: I think she's suspicious now though.

Cara: It's not like I can do anything about it.

Karlie: Just please know when you have to tell her the truth.

Cara: I hope I would.



Kendall: You're avoiding me.

Cara: No I don't.

Kendall: It wasn't a question. It was a statement. Now, why are you avoiding me?

Cara: I told you, Kenny. I'm not avoiding you.

Kendall: I haven't seen you for almost a week now, Cara. A FUCKING WEEK. You don't even go to class anymore!!! I've heard you're always absent! And when I visit you at your house, your sister said you went out of town. Where the fuck are you?!

Cara: I just had to take care of some business.


Kendall: Are you getting tired of me?

Cara: what?! What the heck are you saying!? Of course not!

Kendall: Then why do I feel like you are :( ?

Cara: Ken-- *Kendall Jenner has signed out* FUCK.


Taylor: What's up with Cara? Haven't heard from her in a while.

Karlie: Idk.

Taylor: ...

Taylor: You know something. TELL ME.!!!

Karlie: No I don't, haven't heard from her too.

Taylor: You're lying. I know you're lying. Tell me! Do you know Kendall's freaking out now? What is your best friend's deal?! I swear if she hurts Kendall I'm gonna kick her ass.

Karlie: Well, maybe Cara's going through something and she doesn't want a distraction from anyone. No need to be so violent to someone when you don't even know what she's going through.

Taylor: So I'm right? You know something!

Karlie: Whatever, Tay. I'm gonna sleep now. Talk to you tomorrow. Love you.

Taylor: ... I love you too :(


Her eyes are puffed and she's got runny nose from too much crying.

One week, she hasn't seen her girlfriend in one week and she's going crazy from all the possible scenarios that are playing inside her mind.

What if she doesn't love me anymore.

What if she realizes I'm not enough.

What if she has already found someone else.

Another tear escaped her eyes at the idea and she roughly wiped it with the back of her hand. She let out a sigh before she stood up from her bed, she glanced at the clock, 11:00 pm ,she hasn't had any proper sleep yet since her conversation with Cara in which the Brit lied. She can't stop thinking about her.

She decided that maybe a milk would help so she left her room and went downstairs. The house was dark but the moon was bright enough to illuminate the surroundings. She made her way to the kitchen, just as she was about to turn the switch on, she heard a familiar voice.

"You're so dumb, *giggles*, you do know that it's your bedtime now right?"

Kylie? - Kendall thought.

So it was her little sister, but what is she doing in the kitchen at 11 pm and who is she talking in call? Kendall hasn't heard about the girl's love life for a while now.

"I know you're old and yes I know you're older than me but still!... You need your beauty so don't be such a kid... If only I could make it better..."

Kendall thought her sister was single but upon hearing this conversation she's hell sure her sister's not telling her something

But the question is, who is she talking to???

Kendall planned on roasting her sister about the mystery person. But it seems like she doesn't have to as she heard the next line...

"Well, good night. See you tomorrow, Cara."

The next thing she knew, the vase behind her was shattered into pieces.

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