Chapter Two

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Sherlock didn’t know what to do. He just sat there with his legs on either side of John, their faces just inches apart. He thought of how many times people had mistaken John for his boyfriend, how many times Sherlock had failed to correct them. Sherlock didn’t know why he had never corrected them, he didn’t think that he had feelings for John but now, now that they were so close he just wasn’t sure about anything anymore. All he would have to do was lean in, then he would know. People in books always say some cheesy line about knowing they loved someone if they kissed them. Love. Sherlock chuckled internally. No, no he didn’t love John. He didn’t love anyone like that. Did he?

John’s pupils had dilated. Wait what? No. He must be mistaken. John had never failed to correct people who mistook them for a couple. John was married. John’s wife was so pregnant she could be in labor right now. Mary. How could he ever even consider doing something that would hurt Mary like that? At this point it had been almost a minute and Sherlock wanted to pull away but he didn’t know how.

John licked his lips. And looked straight into Sherlock’s eyes.


“John?” Sherlock asked hoping the situation would resolve itself, or John would resolve it.

“Your face is… “


“Your legs.”

Sherlock couldn’t bear it any longer.

He got up.

“I’m sorry John, I should probably clean the flat up a bit,” he said turning his back towards John, picking up some random papers. But he turned around to see John’s reaction.

John sat, as if in shock. He blinked and sighed, then put his face in his hands.

“Oh my God,” he said shakily, “I- I really should go.”

“Perhaps you should.”

“I’ve got- well I’ve got to check on Mary,” he said hurriedly and went out.

Sherlock heard him say his goodbyes to Mrs. Hudson and slam the door. Sherlock watched through the curtains as John turned back to look at the door to 221b, John shook his head, hailed a cab, and was gone. Sherlock stayed at the window long after the cab John had gotten in left. He thought he’d look at his website, although he knew there wouldn’t be any cases there. And he knew who was responsible. Or maybe people were just being unnaturally peaceful. It had after all only been a few days. A few days and no cases, that was normal right? Maybe before John’s blog got famous, but now? Was the dust from John Watson’s silly blog finally settling or was Moriarty somehow keeping the cases from Sherlock’s grasp? This whole train of thought was frustrating Sherlock so he turned to the only other thing on his mind: John.

What the hell was he going to do about John?

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