"Well, that was eventful."

198 6 1

FrenchieFightingMan added CinnamonRoll, TheBossHam, SchuylerWerk, Don'tSayNoToThis, AndForgotten, HERCMULLIGAN, TheoDoes, Mad_Ness and TurtlesAreBoss🐢to "Chat"

FrenchieFightingMan: Wow.

SchuylerWerk: Yesterday...

CinnamonRoll: Well, that was eventful.

Don'tSayNoToThis: It really was...

HERCMULLIGAN: We need to set some things straight.

TurtlesAreBoss🐢: Like Alex and I.

FrenchieFightingMan: Not the time mon ami.

AndForgotten: If you guys are frickin gay you could've said something

TheBossHam: I'm bi ya little shih tzu

TurtlesAreBoss🐢: Me too

TheoDoes: Nobody cares.

SchuylerWerk: In reality we all care very much but this is important.

CinnamonRoll: We need to set some relationships straight

SchuylerWerk added Virginian_President and WaitingForIt to "Chat"

Virginian_President: what's going on here

WaitingForIt: hello

SchuylerWerk: We're setting some relationships straight.

Virginian_President: O.o wait do you mean

Virginian_President: they know...?

SchuylerWerk: Yup.

Virginian_President: did you tell them?!?

SchuylerWerk: Nope, Eliza found out somehow.

Virginian_President: oh

Virginian_President: well

Virginian_President: shiiiiioooot

TheoDoes: Come on, we have to do this today.

FrenchieFightingMan: Let's start with something easy.

HERCMULLIGAN: Alexander married Eliza.

HERCMULLIGAN: Alexander and Eliza had eight children. Jeez.

FrenchieFightingMan: Alexander had an affair with Maria.

Don'tSayNoToThis: 😣

TheBossHam: is this really necessary

FrenchieFightingMan: Yes. Now, Maria married James Reynolds.

HERCMULLIGAN: Burr helped Maria divorce James Reynolds.

FrenchieFightingMan: Burr was in love with Theodosia (Sr).

TheoDoes: ☺️❤️

HERCMULLIGAN: Theodosia was married to some officer I don't know the name of.

FrenchieFightingMan: Burr and Theodosia are now dating. That happened weirdly, we don't know the details.

HERCMULLIGAN: Burr and Theodosia had a child. Also conveniently named Theodosia so we'd mix up their names. Nice going.

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