Lightning x Wind || Naughty Child

Start from the beginning

"Wow. . ." Petir breathed when he and brother in blue managed to reach the top of the huge tree. The sky, seemingly overflowing with the cool vibrant blue that Angin loved so much, was breathtaking; and the wind! Petir could never just pause high in the air to appreciate the wind, as he always had to keep moving, so he'd never associated such breezes with anything other than battle. But up here, the air rustling the leaves and his black hair, with his younger septuplet brother grinning at him. . . he felt pure peace.
"Amazing, isn't it?" Angin mumbled as he sat down on the highest branch they could possibly climb. He patted the space next to him, and Petir sat. "I feel so free when I'm up high. . . as if the sky is holding me and singing me a lullaby. . . and I can leave my troubles on the ground, far away." A sigh, and then, "You know, Petir. . . I think of you sometimes whenever I'm up climbing trees."
Petir cocked a brow. "You do? Why?"
"I don't know," was Angin's quick reply, and he shook his head, knocking the vivid blue cap on his head off balance. "Sorry, I'm just so used to lying about that. The way I can be myself when the skies call out to me. . . well, it reminds me of you, Petir. I can be myself when I'm around you, I can be a crybaby or a paranoid idiot or a suicidal person - although that would be Air, not me - and you won't judge me."
"Y- you mean that, Angin?" Petir stammered. "I- I sometimes worry that you were afraid of me. . . because I'm impatient and easily angered and violent. . . Angin, I thought you would hate me. So I tried hating you, but I think I ended up caring for you even more."
It was silent for a few moments, until Angin found himself with a dopey grin on his face and eventually with bursts and shrieks of laughter escaping his throat. Petir's face burned in both embarrassment or anger. "Don't laugh, okay?! I just revealed that I tried to hate you! You're supposed to be upset, or offended, or something-! But not happy!!!"
"But I-can't-help it," Angin forced out between laughs, before he calmed down enough to speak properly. "I want to feel happy. . . because I know that my brother cares about me!!! I know that my brother loves me, and that I love him too!!!" He punctuated the sentence with a mirthful smile in hopes Petir would retaliate with one of his rare grins, but all he gets is a bitter chuckle.
"Right. . . brother. That's all I'll ever be to you, huh, Angin?" Petir laughed dryly, without any real emotion behind the chuckle, as he pulled the brim of his cap lower in an orientation similar to Air's. Angin easily saw why he did that - the bill hid his eyes, which were overflowing with pain and self-hate.
"B- but we are brothers," Angin stammered, unsure of the reason Petir suddenly responded so negatively. "N- no matter what we want, Petir, we'll always be brothers. . ."
"Not really, we could be more," Petir said in a shaky tone, turning away to hid the tears streaming down his cheeks. Angin only looked confused. "Petir, I don't understand any of this. . ."
"Petir. . ." Angin mumbled, his face redder than Api's eyes ever could blaze as he tried to take in his brother's confession. He'd loved Petir romantically for a long time now - his weird little crush had started somewhere around when they were if fourth grade and were ten years old - but he never really expected Petir to ever feel the same way.
The aerokinetic boy had literally no idea what to say. So instead of saying anything, he simply turned to acting on his feelings - and such action came in the form of a tender kiss to his brother's lips.
"I love you too, Petir," Angin whispered against his electrokinetic brother's lips, hugging him close. Petir, although initially shocked by Angin's actions, eventually regained his sense of proprioception enough to wrap his arms around his brother's neck and deepen the already passionate kiss. They stayed like that for a few moments, and the world was perfect as each basked in the immense love the other had to offer -
"Having fun?"
The taunting tone cut through the tender moment Petir and Angin shared like a shard of shattered ice, and quickly the two jumped apart with fatal blushes slapped across their faces. Air was hovering near where they'd been kissing via his water sphere, and a smirk was plastered onto his usually emotionless face.
Petir took the chance to look around, only to have his blush worsen when he realized that Api was floating right opposite to where Air was, Daun was in the tree too and his head was poking out of a patch of leaves along with Solar who he'd probably dragged up the said tree, while Tanah was on one of his rather high Earth Pillars, for once grinning instead of sporting his usual strict frown.
"Please tell me you caught a picture of that!" Api cackled in Solar's direction, who in turn held up his orange-cased cellphone along with a thumbs up and a wicked smile.
Tanah was laughing too, although Petir and Angin sensed that it was more than amusement, it was as if it had been a wicked secret of his (which it was, pairing Petir with Angin on the tour had been him trying to get each to confess, but no way was he spilling). "I so called this!!!"
"Hey, we all did!" Daun pouted cutely, causing Solar to faint whilst mumbling words like, "The cuteness. . . it's too much. . ." under his breath as the nature manipulator tried to shake him awake. Angin, on the other hand, nearly fainted for another reason. Because if even Daun, the innocent, naïve-as-heck brother thought he and Petir would end up a couple, then they'd most likely been really obvious about their feelings.
"Yeah, you were that obvious," Air chuckled, responding to Angin's unspoken queries much to his expectations. Sometimes the brothers suspected that Air could read minds because he easily understood emotions and feelings, but Air always just yawned at them and assured he was just observant.
Petir just snorted. "Oh, shut up. Can we all go down now?"
"Thought you'd never ask," Solar shivered, by now looking acrophobic after being shaken awake only to find himself looking down a huge tree. "I'm getting dizzy."
Daun chuckled as Solar's grip on his hand tightened. "Aw, it's so cute when Solar is afraid," he chanted innocently, although his Thorn form flickered onto him for a while. He hooked an arm underneath the light manipulator's knees and another around his back, before descending the tree with his vines.
"Let's go too, Air!" Api giggled as he clung to the hydrokinetic boy's water sphere, earning a glare from said boy. "Hug me instead of my bubble and we will," Air snapped in exasperation. Api only cackled and complied, clinging to his brother as the boy made his water sphere descend.
Petir gawked at the sight. After the whole confession thing, the way they acted among each other didn't seem as innocent or as brotherly as they usually did.
Angin grinned. "Let's go, Petir?" He extended a hand to the boy, which he took just before Angin began prancing down the tree. The lightning manipulator just shook his head fondly.
Beautiful raven hair,
Cap of vivid blue,
Oh naughty child,
How I love you.

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