1~ To Mak

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Dear Mak (@pentaseptic)

I know this is like a love letter confession thing and I'm not really confessing anything, but I wanted to just find a place where I could write to you and put out my honest feelings and now that this is here, I'm going to do that. 

You are something else to me. You're beautiful beyond words and your voice could lull me to sleep in all honesty and you make me smile and laugh so so much. You bring me happiness that I didn't know I had and you are the one that helps me realize that it's okay to be human. You consistently listen to me and help me with my problems and gosh I feel like I haven't done anything to you to show you how much I love you, really just how much I love you. Between you and me, I've always felt like when we say "I love you" it was more than just "I love you", I always felt that with our connection there was something *more* and what that more may hold for you, I'm not really sure, but I do know what it means to me. You are my rock, you are my anchor, you're my life support and without you I would die. Without you I just wouldn't be the same and to know that you're the reason why is just really really special to me. If it had to be anyone, I'm glad it's you. I'm so fucking glad it's you and it will always be you. 

Okay so read this in whatever connotation that you want it to be in, I just really wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and how much I love you because everyday I love you a bit more. I hope this brought a dear smile to your face and I hope it's made your day better. 

Forever your owgf [;)], Kyah (RoseGoldHeart) *insert diamond emoji*



Thanks for being willing to be the first person featured in this book! 

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