3~To Muath

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Dear Muath, 

I remember all our fun childhood memories when we were both seven year old innocents. Just skating hand in hand, playing pranks, watching movies together and being children. That's gone, all of it. It hurts that I can't talk to you. That you're far away, and every night, my dreams are about you. Every morning, my daydreams are about you and I. It gets exhausting, but it won't stop. And I just really need to see you after these years. You gave me a happy, exciting childhood, and I miss you for that. I want to go ride my bike with you again, buy some ice cream, and take morning walks. Because you help me forget all the pain, and that's all I need. I want to see you again, why did you go? Why can't you stay forever? Why can't it be easy again to say we love each other, why's it so hard? Come back, and let's live the warm days again. We can do all the fun stuff together, forgetting everything. I just need a rainbow or two after all the storms.


(BeautifulDreamerzzz )

To my love...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora