Chapter 8- Mike

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This is just gonna be a short and cute  but important chapter cuz I'm really busy atm and can't write anything longer than this.

Tuesday//July 5th, 2017//2:00

By the fact that there's no light coming from my window, I can tell I should still be asleep when I'm jolted awake by a knock on my bedroom door. I see Theo slowly walk in from the hallway and softly close the door behind her.
"Hey, are you okay?" I move over to the other side of the bed so she's able to sit down.
"Ya..well no not really..I can't sleep because of my audition tomorrow." I see her shiver a bit as she is only wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts in our freezing apartment.
"What do you mean? I thought you said it wasn't that big of an audition." She shifts in the bed and puts some of the blanket over her.
"I lied so my brother wouldn't get too excited just to be let down if I didn't make it." I grab her cold hand in mine trying to make her more comfortable.
"You know he loves you no matter what  fancy tippity-tappity place you go to." She laughs and moves closer to me and leans on my shoulder causing the butterflies in my stomach to flutter like crazy. It's insane how a girl I met two days ago affects me this much.
"Thanks know since I met you, I've just been so much happier. And ya i know, i know it sounds extremely dumb and cheesy 'cause it's only been like a day or somethin' butseriouslyitslikeverytimeimaroundyouimjustgladtobetheresoju-" Before I knew it I was kissing her. The girl of my dreams was right there and kissing me back.We pull away after taking in the moment and softly giggle at the encounter.
"I like you,, like like you." She grins and puts a piece of hair that was hanging in front of my face behind my ear.
"I like you too, Michael, like like you." She lays back down on my shoulder and the happy thoughts of Theo Lemmons help me drift off to sleep.

Happy-Mike FaistWhere stories live. Discover now