Chapter 3- Theo

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Sunday//July 3rd, 2017//20:14

My brother leads me up the stairs to my new home. I start to get nervous about Mike. I've looked up to this performer since he was in Newsies and now I'm gonna be living with him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm weird?
"Don't worry Theo, Mike is a nice dude." My brother says as if he's reading my mind. As we approach the door, it is opened from the other side and I see Mike dressed in a maroon sweatshirt and black jeans, his hair at shoulders length with a slight wave. I admire the boy as my brother introduces me. Mike let's us in and Liam starts to prepare the pizza.
"So, have you been to New York before?" Mike asks as he sits down on a stool next to the counter.
"Actually I only came once before to see Newsies funny enough." I bite my lip nervously.
"Wait really? Well I guess it's a small world." I laugh at his excitement.
"Ya, you're the reason I actually started to tap." His eyes widen.
"You tap? I inspired you? Really?" He seems so surprised but honestly he shouldn't be, his dancing is incredible.
"Yup, you're dancing is absolutely amazing to me. That's the whole reason I'm in New York. To dance." I silently hope he doesn't think I'm weird for being this interested in his dancing.
"Well thank you, Theo. Wanna dance to a little Frank Sinatra with me?" He puts out his hand for me and I laugh at the random gesture as we just met.
"Why of course." I put my hand in his and we start swaying back and forth to the rhythm and slightly tapping. I laugh as he spins me around and we start goofing around.
"Can y'all dance while you help me with the pizza?" My brother says jokingly from behind the stove.
"Sorry big bro." I smile and start helping him roll out the pizza dough, as does Mike.

Sunday//July 3rd, 2017//22:34

"So we can watch Moana or Bad Santa 2" Mike says as he scrolls through movies.
"Well I haven't seen Bad Santa 1 and I love Moana so I vote Moana." I say.
"What about you Liam?" Mike says turning to Liam for his opinion.
"I'm actually gonna go to bed, I have to wake up for work early tomorrow so you guys go ahead." He stands up and rubs his eyes.
"Well if you insist dude."
"Goodnight, Liam."
"Goodnight, Theo, Mike." Mike presses play on Moana and I suddenly get the urge for popcorn.
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna get popcorn. Do you want some?" He looks up and smiles that amazing smile.
"No, thank you though." I come back to see Mike has fallen asleep on the couch already. I grab a blanket and lay it on top of him. I hear him mumble "Thank you, Theo. Oh , and welcome to New York." I smile at the sleepy, yet adorable Mike and start heading to my new room as I turn out the lights.

/////////////////////////////////////AUTHORS NOTE

Hey y'all, thanks for reading this far. That's all i had to say really lmao. Have a good day! Xx

Happy-Mike FaistHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin