You cut

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✔You cut


You tried to stop. It just became such a habit you didn't know what to do. You bottled up all of your feelings, everything and let it out on yourself. You just fought with Minho. You never really fight but this was a pretty big fight and you thought it was all your fault. He had stormed out of the house thats when you dropped to your knees and cried. You cried hard, almost as hard as you use to when you were a teenager just trying to get by in life but hit the speed bump to hard. You ran to the bathroom and cried. You looked at yourself in the mirror.

"You're so stupid!" you yelled at yourself. "You're stupid and wrong!" You looked around mumbling about how stupid you were until you found your razor. "There you are." You mumbled. You looked at yourslef in the mirror again. Holding your arm down. "You're stupid." You sliced one. "Worthless." Sliced again. "No one likes you. It's pointless." You sliced again. You sank to the floor and cried as you sliced your wrist again. After about a hour of sitting in the bathroom you heard Minho come in. Your eyes went wide and you threw the razor in the trash can and turned on the water washing away the blood. You looked around and just grabbed some toliet paper and wrapped it around your arm and wrist. You slid your sleeve back down and whipped your eyes. You shook your head in dissapointment of yourself. Minho banged on the door and you jumped feeling tears coming back.

"Y/N what are you doing?!" He asked sounding scared.

"Nothing!" You said lying of course.

"Y/N! I can smell the blood, open the door." Your stomach nodded.

"I just cut myself shaving Minho I'm fine!" Again you lied but it was worth a try.

"Y/N open the door now." You took a deep breath unlocking the door and standing there in the best annoyed stance you could. He stepped in. he took a deep breath and his eyes went wide as he looked down. "I've never know people for shaving their arms." He said reaching for your hand. You pulled back. "Y/N. Let me see." You hid your arm behind your back. "Y/N let me see!" He said again and you couldn't take it anymore. You sunk to the ground and started crying. He sat on the ground with you taking your arm and rolling up your sleeve. He removed the toliet paper and his eyes went wide. He pushed himself back. "Oh my god." He said and it only made you cry harder. He hated you! He couldn't love someone like this. "This is my fault." He said. You looked up at him, tears forming in his eyes. "This is my fault isn't it." You shook your head unable to talk. He looked at your arm again. "Please Y/N I'm sorry."

"No Minho. I'm sorry." You whispered.

"No." He moved closer grabbing more toliet paper. "I'm sorry. Please never do this again. Please." Tears fell down his face. You just shook your head. "I'll help you get passed this please. Never do this again." He took you in his arms. "Y/N I love you. I love you so much. Please don't even do it again."

"I can't help it."

"Yes, yes you can. I can help you get through it. Just please. I'm here. I won't leave. I promise." You cried into Minho's shirt. You said sorry over and over again but he wouldn't take it. After you stopped crying and he patched you up, you told him about you when you were a teenager. He promised you he'd never leave you and he would help you get through this no matter what it took. He constantly reminded you that he loved you.


They were old, but they were there.

"Y/N?" Thomas asked you.

"Yeah?" You said looking at him.

"What.." he said worried. You became worried and but kept your cool by bringing your legs to my face. "No, I was looking at your legs." That's when You knew. The makeup didn't cover them up like it normally does. You knew he saw it.

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