Chapter 1: Nervously Awaiting

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Dedication to @secret_leedle18 for choosing the name of this chapter. Enjoy ;)

Chapter 1: Nervously Awaiting

I impatiently tap my finger against my thigh, watching the clock slowly tick. Can time seriously go any slower? Just five minutes.

"You okay?" My friend, Dustin, asks me. He's obviously taken notice of my jittery movements. I've been like this all day. Could you blame me though? Me best mate is flying out right now just so I can see her get married this weekend.

"Yeah. Just can't wait to get off," I inform. That's when everything clicks for him. I can tell by the way his mouth forms that perfect “O” shape. It’s not really perfect now that I think about it. It’s more of an oval.

"Hunter and Maura are coming out today, right?" He double checks and I nod, wiping down the counter yet again. It sucks being a college student cos there still isn't many jobs you can take. Working at a diner seems the most plausible thing to do.

"Yeah. I can't wait.  It's been too long. Plus they're bringing down their son," I smile at the mention of him. I haven’t seen him since he was born. That day was absolutely brilliant.

"I think that they'd want their son for their own wedding," Dustin laughs. I roll my eyes, knowing that he has a point. It’d be dumb if they left their kid.

"You're off Payne," our manager, Austin, tells me. I practically begin jumping with excitement. I drop my dirty rag, disregarding any contact I had with Dustin and hurrying over to the clock out paper. Once I'm done, I bid everyone farewell. I practically run the two blocks to the bus stop. The bus is about to leave until the driver sees me, stopping to let me on.

I thank him and sit near the front so I'm close to the door. I put my headphones in and turn up the familiar tunes of Kanye West, hoping that it'll make the time move faster. I tap my fingers to the beat, singing softly aloud.

I take a look at the faces on the bus, some are familiar, but never try talking to me and I don't with them. I turn away so I can go back to minding my own business when some woman on the bus tries catching my attention. And to be honest, I'm in too good of a mood to even turn her down slightly.

"Hmmm?" I question removing my headphones.

"Are you going back to the university?" The young colored woman asks me. She's pretty attractive if I must say so myself. I might as well keep a conversation going.

"Yeah. You?" I question back.

"No. I'm heading back to the uh daycare. I have a friend who goes there though," she mentions, a smirk growing on her face. She must be really fond of this friend to smile like this. I would never smile about my mates like that, well maybe Maura, but we have history.

"Who is she? Maybe I know her?" I ask thinking of the many girls I meet at the pub with me mates.

"His name is Harry," she tells me making sure I knew that he was definitely a he. I go through all of the names in my head, but not a single Harry comes to mind. I almost feel bad. There’s a lot of people at the University so she couldn’t expect me to know him exactly.

"Oh. Does he work at the daycare with you?" I question. Maybe we can put Ben there while I take Maura and Hunter to the pub as a sort of welcome. Or maybe just Hunter as a bachelor party.

"Yeah. He's great with the kids," she tells me, not bothering to look my way. She’s obviously a lost cause, but a baby sitter is still needed for the weekend and maybe even the following week since I’m watching him while they go on their honeymoon.

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