Friend ➡Friend

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A: I'm kinda hating myself rn. I just feel super useless and dumb

S: All teenagers feel that way. At least you've accomplished something. And we're really young. I know we don't believe it now but we'll grow older and have a purpose. Yours will be and already is important. Youre kinda my purpose. Youre younger than me and at a higher status of intellegence. People like you egg me on, it's not a jealousy thing though. And I know I talk a lot about myself and boys and things that dont matter and dont give you much room to breathe and it can come off as annoying but that only because I dont tell anybody anything else. It's because one cares or listens.  

You're like the only person I feel that would actually listen to me. I never like to talk about personal feelings so I end up talkin about things that are not important in life and you talk about everything thats important. So whos the dumb one? I would want you to believe that I'd do the same for you. I would sit there and listen to you when you spoke for hours about Tom and personal feelings. You just dont alllow yourself to. I got you though. And for now I believe our purpose in life is to hold each other up. Cos there's no me without you

A: Omg I love you

S: I love you too

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