Piece Of Mind by theimpressionists

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Y'know what I really wish?

That I had more time to be free.

I wish I had time to just be careless, and do the things I wanna do without responsibility, and just read books and paint and dance with out worries at all

I wish I could allow myself to be free.

To flow with the wind and to be swept up by the currents of the vast river of adventure.

I wish I was so free as to allow myself to fall in love and to be heartbroken.

I wish I was so free as to allow myself to make mistakes and not be crushed about it.

I wish I was so free as to be myself and say what I wish and do what I want and be who I wanna be

But I'm so trapped by my own concept of responsibility that I can't do anything because I'm strangled by inaction.

I am inactive because I never feel that anything I can do is good enough.

It's always something.

There's always someone better or I'm just subpar and I feel so hopeless about it.

I doubt I can even get into theater because my voice lacks range and pitch and experience and training

and I'm just such a late bloomer

I feel as if I've been robbed of life

I don't know what to do.

I am directionless and nameless and faceless to most but I continue to roam this earth

looking for a place to belong.

I think we all as humans are trapped in this hellish condition.

I could walk out my front door right now and never stop and no one could really stop me.

That is a freedom no one allows them self.

Why do we tie ourselves down so tightly when there is so much of the world to see and hear and feel and so many people to meet and so many foods to taste and smells to smell and feelings that we've never experienced before?

There are so many things that so many people will never experience

and I think that is a real crying shame.

Some people will never see Greece on the summertime.

I found out I'm a psychopath yesterday.

It's all good though

Ain't no thang

That's the thing though. I might not be somebody.

Imagine how many people before me there have been.

And how many there will be after me that will have these same thoughts and never be heard.

These things run through my mind all the time

it's torturous.


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