Chapter 12

28 3 7

1 week later
4:30 pm
Jay (Jacob) POV

"What the fuck?" I said for the hundredth time, ruffling through the sheets looking for my wallet

"I know I had this shit when I came in last night" I said as I looked around the room

I thought back to when we were out. Jace had a girl with him and so did Terrance. I went by myself, I ain't need no broad on my shoulder to look good.

We were all drunk and high as shit. We had to leave the range at the club and call an uber. I know for a fact I had it when we got out because I'm the one who paid for it.

I thought back to when I took off my pants and left them somewhere. I went back to the staircase but saw them sitting on the floor. I checked my pants pockets. Nothing

Who the fuck really gone steal from me? I know for a fact that it ain't Jace or Terrance because both of them niggas was way too fucking high to even think for themselves. After, they got in they room, they knocked out.

Maybe it was them broads. Nah it can't be.

I shook my head and went up the stairs. Imma just ask them, if they seen it. The first room I approached was Terrance's.

I opened the door and saw him sprawled out across the bed sleep, while the girl was on the floor. I shook my head and walked in a little bit.

"T" I whispered he moved around in his bed and kept snoring.

I walked in a more and stepped on shawty panties. I pushed them away from me with my foot.

"T" I said a little louder, he groaned and opened his eyes a bit.

"What?" He asked

"You seen my wallet?" I asked

"Nah, mane" He said closing his eyes

"Imma just look around" I said

He nodded and turned on his stomach starting to snore again.

I looked on his dresser and under the bed. Nothing.

I looked over at the broad and started looking for her purse. She had a clutch.

I looked at it trying to figure out how to open it. Damn. Women always buying difficult shit yo. I finally popped it open and moved stuff around.

She aint have nothing but aspirin and lipstick. I shook my head throwing the clutch back on the floor where I found it. She knew she was gonna get fucked up and taken home, I ain't see not one credit card.

I walked out of Terrance room and walked into Jace room.

I didn't even bother to wake him up I just started looking.

I walked around the bed going to the dresser where their stuff was. Until, I stepped in something sticky.

I looked down and it was a condom.

"Oh shit" I jumped back wiping my foot on the rug.

"Whatcho ugly ass, doing in my shit?" He asked turning over

"Shut up bitch, I'm looking for my wallet" I said to him

He sucked his teeth and closed his eyes back.

"Wait till I fully wake up. Imma beatcho ass" He mumbled turning back over and pulling the girl toward him.

I ignored him and kept looking. I got to the girl purse and opened it. It wasn't shit in it. Oh yeah, she one of them hoes.

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