Day Three - Dyeing

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"Where is Jenna? Or Tyler?" Josh comes down the stairs and looks at me. I'm sitting on the couch and watch some shows I'm not really interested in.

"Went out. Spontanious couple trip." I hear a loud sigh and look up to him.
"Why?" He lifts up a box and shakes it. It's the hair dye.

"Need some help with that, but it looks like I have to wait." He turns around and is about to go. I bite my lip.

"Wait!" He stops and looks at me, head crooked. Why am I doing this? "I could help you?" A few hours ago he branded me with the initials of his dead brother for safety. So why do I volunteer to be near him right now?

"You sure?" No! Not at all!

"Yes. I did it before, but you probably know." He gives me a half-smile and nods.

"You're right..." He goes up the stairs and asks from up there: "You coming?" I sigh and stand up to follow him.

I take off the gloves that protect my hands from getting all purple.

"So who choose the color?" Josh asks and sits down at the tub edge. I sit down at the toilet and feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"I did." He smiles, a honest and shame on me cute smile. His hair with the purple dye in it makes it even more adorable.

"Why?" I shrug and look to the ground. I have no idea why I choose this color. Probably because I felt like this. "Come here." I look up as he stands up. I frown and hesitate. "I'm not gonna bite." He sighs. "Or slam a gun in your face, kick you in your stomach or cut something in your flesh." I try to hide the smile, but my mouth angle jump up for a second and I see in Joshs face that he saw it. So I sigh and stand up and go to him.

"Sit down." I take a seat at the tub edge and follow him with my eyes as he gets the first-aid kit. "So... You had the chance to escape and you didn't use it?" I let my head hang.

"I know, I'm stupid. There where cops and I could have get their attention easely and I just thought that it's not that much worse to stay with you guys than my-" I stop as I realize what I do. Would I really prefer kidnapper and killer over my own family?

"I'm gonna clean your wound again, okay? Don't wanna risk that you die." I look up to him in shock, what he just replies with an amused look. "I'm kidding. I know, it's hard to believe, but I have a soul too and I can make some jokes." I smile slightly as he takes off the bandage. I wince a little as he takes it off of my wound directly. He looks at it for a moment and I see in the corner of my eye how Josh slowly moves his finger to the two letters. I jump up and hold out my right arm.

"No! Don't fucking dare you!" He laughs amused.

"Calm down, I'm not going to touch it." I look at him sceptical and slowly go back and sit back down.

"I swear, if you do this again, I'm gonna- Fuck you!" He just sprayed disinfectant on the open wound and it freaking hurts.

"I'm gonna get back to this offer." he says looking extremly serious while he cleans the wound and puts some ointment on it. He looked to me and smiles. "Again. Kidding." His look goes back to my wound and he puts a bandage back around it.

As Josh finished, he sits down on the ground. I inspect him from head to toe. I hate myself for thinking that he's attractive.

"Thank you. Fo-for cleaning my wound. Not all the other stuff you did to me." He looks up and smiles slightly.

"No problem. It's my fault so I should take care of it." I bite my lip again, as I realize something.

"Oh shit! Stand up!" I jump up too Josh looks at me confused and concerned.

"What?" I smile and point at the wall he leaned against. There is a purple spot where his head was and I try my best not to start laughing. "Tyler is going to kill me." I rais an eyebrow.

"You're scared of Tyler?" His gaze goes to me and he smiles.

"His family, but no word to no one. I never said that." I frown confused, but nod. The tough Josh Dun is scared of Tylers family?

"Well, do you have scouring milk?"

"Probably." Josh goes and opens the cabin to look through some cleaning supplies before he holds a white-yellowish bottle to me. He looks at me requesting.

"I'm not doing it. You leaned against the wall with your head. It's not my fault that there is a purple spot on the white tiles." He rolls his eyes, but sighs and goes back to the place he sat before. I walk out of the bath and down to the kitchen, because I'm thirsty.

As I pour some water in the glass, I feel something wet on my cheek. I turn around to see Josh, holding up his index and middle finger.

"No you didn't!" I say and wipe with my fingers over my cheek to look at them. Purple tips. He did. "Why?!" I ask and turn on the water tap to clean my cheek. He just smeared something of the purple hair dye on my face and it would stain if I would wait longer.

"Because you let me clean the tiles." I turn back around and look to him. Anger is rising in me out of no real reason.

"You kidnapped me. Why should I clean your shit? I'm not here because I want to. You guys are holding me here. I would love to get back to my parents and my old life." He raises an eyebrow because of my sudden mood change.

"You sure it would be better back with your 'parents'?" He puts 'parents' in quotation marks.

"Yes! And why the quotation marks?" He leans against the kitchen island and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"You sure your father is your father?" I frown and my heart drops. What does he mean? Does he know more than I do?

"What? Yes, I'm pretty sure. Why wouldn't he?" An slightly evil smile appears on his face that scares me a little.

"He isn't your father. Your real father got killed a few days before you were born. He got killed by your 'father'." I look at him in disbelieve.

"You are lying!" His smile changes into an fake sad one.

"I'm sorry, honey. It's the truth. Your dad isn't your actually dad." I feel the tears rise in my eyes. Is this the truth? I had often situations where I thought my parents weren't my parents, because I like something that they don't like. Or I can do something what they can't. For example, music always was a big part in my life, but neither of my parents are into music that much. My brother and I often joked that we are adopted, but we never where serious. And I think every kid did this, right?

"Pete would have known this! He would have told me this!" Josh shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, princess. He promised your parents to stay quiet. That's one of the reasons why he left with 18." I look at the ground as the first tears leave my eyes. "Anyways. I'm gonna go wash the dye out of my hair." With this he leaves me down here, confused about my life once again.

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