Day Three - Safety

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I sit in the corner of the room, fetal position, as the door opens. I'm not looking up, but I guess it's Jenna. Josh left minutes ago, I don't know how many minutes passed. She comes to me and squats next to me.

"I'm gonna clean it, so it won't get infected. It's going to hurt, okay?" I simply nod and hear her sigh. In the next moment I breath in sharp and tears flood my eyes and leave them like a waterfall.

"Why?" I ask between two heavy breathes. I'm still not looking to the blonde woman.

"You will understand. It's for your own best and I know, you probably hate us again, but we are your friends." I finally turn my head to look at her. "We want your best. Tyler and I and... Josh." I look back straight to the wall across from me. My heart contracts as she mentioned his name.

Of course I know that he kidnapped me and that he is capable of killing, but... I thought he might... I'm so stupid for thinking that way! I should hate him with my full heart, but what is my heart doing? It makes me like him and Tyler and Jenna. What is my heart doing?! Why is it doing this?!

"It should be fine, but we have to look every day, twice. Just to be sure it heals well." I nod and Jenna stands up. "When you come down, we have something to eat for you." She stands there and looks at me for a moment before she leaves for good.

I don't know for how long I just sat there and stared at the wall before I convinced myself that I should go down and eat something. I go down the stairs step by step, exhausted, weak, lifeless.

As I get to the kitchen, Tyler looks up from a book. He smiles at me pitiful.

"How are you? Okay, probably a stupid question. Are you hungry?" I nod and sit down at a bar stool. I put my left arm at the kitchen island and I try not to make a sound. Instead I'm distorting my face in pain. "It'll heal and you won't feel anything." I look to Tyler as he puts a plate in the microwave. I saw some mashed potatoes, but nothing else so it's a surprise.

"Hey Ty, Brendon said yesterday we need new weap-" I freeze as I hear the voice.

"I know, Josh. He texted me and I got this. They'll be in Ohio by tomorrow."

"Well, I'm gonna go back upstairs." Then I hear steps going away.

"Breath, Zoe!" I take a deep breath and force a smile as Tyler puts the plate in front of me. "He isn't that bad. To be honest, he is surprisingly nice to you." I frown, but say nothing. My upper arm hurts again and I look to it. Jenna bandaged it so I can't see what Josh exactly did, but I'm still wondering why.

"Tyler." I look up and he looks to me. "Why?" I don't have to say more than this. He knows that I mean my arm.

"Josh has to tell you. Jenna and I didn't agree with him, because he would never do this to anyone else, but at the end it's better for you. You can go upstairs and ask him, if you want." I look at the plate and just poke with the fork in my food. I really wanna know why he did this, so I put the fork away and stand up to go upstairs.

I open the door to Josh's room quiet. He is sitting on the bed, his laptop on his lap. He is talking to someone via Skype.

"Why can't I be gone for a week without the fucking Murphys making trouble?! I'm so happy when- What is your problem?! You have some kind of paroxysm?" I didn't realize that I walked closer. Now I see the person Josh is talking to. He points at me and Josh turns around. I still stare at the well knowen person. "Call you back, Brendon." The screen gets black and I turn to look to Josh. He is looking angry at me.

"So he wasn't my friend? He was there to give you informations about me?" Josh stands up and walks to me, but I back away still scared because of what happened earlier. This time, he stays there and keeps the distance.

"Yes, kind of. He really liked you though." I puff and cross my arms, but let my left one down as it hurts. "Why are you here?" he asks.

"Why did you do this? And what did you cut in my arm?" He sighs and pulls up his shirt so I can see a tattoo he has on his side, beside his abs. It looks like a J with a roof over it and a d with a line through it. "J, D. Josh Dun?" I frown and look up to Josh as he let go off his shirt.

"Jordan Dun, to be frankly. He was my brother."

"Was?" He nods and goes back to the bed and to his laptop.

"He got killed by yo- never mind." I go closer to him.

"I-I'm sorry, but why did you carve this in my arm?" He looks to me for a moment and turns his gaze back to the laptop.

"Safety." I frown.

"Safety? Please, I'm not a dog, I need more than bones." He breathes out slowly.

"You don't need to know more. There, where we are going are some mean guys and you need to be tagged."

"Tagged?!" He looks back up to me. "Am I some livestock?! I'm a human!" He stands back up and I go some steps backwards. I wanna keep some safe distance between us.

"I never said you aren't a human."

"But you tagged me like a cow." He puts his head in his neck and sighs before he looks back at me.

"You will understand when needed. I never hope this happens, but for now. Live with this." I take a deep breath.

"Wow. I missed the chance to escape just to get branded like a cow. I'm so stupid. I thought... whatever!" I leave the room angry and go back downstairs.

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