Day One - Cat Food

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Josh opens the door to our room. He pushes me into it so I stumble and nearly fall, Dot jumps out of my arm before I could fall on top of her. I catch myself and give him an angry look before I walk to the back of the room.

   "What do you think you're doing?" I turn around and lift my arms to the sid.

   "I have to fucking pee! You wanna clean it?" He comes over to me, stops in front of me befor my cheek burns and I look to right. Did he just slap me?

   "Don't talk to me like this." He grumbles. I just try not to cry in front of him and go into the bathroom.

I look in the mirror while I wash my hands. My face is read, I have a wound at my forehead, close to my hairline, my left cheek is red and hot, you can actually see Joshs hand print on it. Dried tears on my cheekes. I sigh and splash water in my face.

   "You finished?" a angry sounding voice asks through the bathroom door. I dry my face and unlock the door. Josh is leaning at the opposite wall.

   "Don't worry. The window is too small and I would never leave Dot with a psycopath like you." I shouldn't have said this, I regret it immediately.

   He grabs me by the hair and pulls me closer to him. I grab his hand, holding my hair. He looks furious at me.

   "Don't call me that. Maybe you should know, that I can kill your fucking cat any moment and after you watched me blow out her fucking brain, I could do the same to you. So better be fucking nice to me." he says through his teeth. "Did you understand?" I nod, my view blurry from the again uprising tears. In the next moment Josh throws me at the ground and I hit my right jawline on the bed. I let myself sink at the floor, starting to sobb.

   Then it knocks and I hear the door open.

   "Jenna said you should give her-"

"Oh my god! What have you done, Josh." I hear Jennas voice and feel a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, sit up." she says in a soft voice. I bring myself up slowly.

   "Did they kill her?" I ask weak as soon as I lean against the bed. My gaze goes to her. "Did they kill my friend?" Jenna looks up to the men, talking about something.

   "Yes." I whimper again and new tears stream down my face. Jenna pulls me into a hug. "I didn't know about it. I would have stopped them. Now let me see your face."

Ten minutes later I get back into the bedroom. Josh gave me clothes from him and I nearly threw up because of his smell. I never hated a smell more than his. I would rather wear a bag of Dots shit around my neck instead of having this in my nose. I changed into them in the bathroom, where Jenna also cleaned the re-opened wound at my hairline and the little scratch at my lower cheek, jaw. Now I wear a hoodie, that reaches to the middle of my thigh. You can't see my hot pants I still wear, because Joshs pants are way too big for me.

   "Finally! Now let us go." the blue haired man says annoyed. I grab Dot and get a confused look from everyone.

   "We just go to Target." I narrow my eyes at Tyler.

   "I don't care. I don't trust you." Jenna next to me laughs amused.

   "Let's go." she says and pushes me to the door with Dot in my arm.

Another ten minutes later we get out of the black car.

   "You stay next to me. Always, no matter what happens. You understand?" I nod. "And leave the fucking cat in the car." I don't answer and take her with me.

   In front of the shop I let Dot down. She'll wait here until I come back and then we enter Target. Jenna and Tyler go immediately in another direction than Josh and I. Josh has always an eye on me, so I can't run or fall back slowly. As soon as I do this, he turns around, looking angry.

   He stops at the canned food. As he turned to the shelf, he takes my hand. I'm about to pull it away, but stop as I feel his firm grip. He mumbels as he gives me some cans to hold.

   As I put all of the cans in the basket, an employee gave me, he steps a bit back to look at the whole shelf.

   "Do we need something else?" he mumbles to himself, but I answer anyways.

   "Cat food." He looks at me surprised that I answered.


"Because Dot wants to eat too? Duh!"

"It's a cat. It can hunt." I narrow my eyes angry.

   "What did he say?" Jenna appears next to Josh, looking at me.

   "He doesn't want to buy cat food." Jenna takes the basket I'm holding and gives it to Josh, who let go of my hand.

   "Go to Tyler. He's in line to pay already. We get the food for Dot." Jenna smiles at me and pulls me with her.

   "Jenna! If she esc-"

"We have the same blood, Josh. She won't."

"So you and Josh, you are..."

"Siblings? Yes." I grab Dots usual food and grab some treats for her too. "Surprised?" I just nod as we go to meet with Tyler and Josh.

   "He just seems so... mean and you... not." Jenna laughs, but doesn't say anything, so I let it go.

Back at the motel I get two bowls immediately. In one I pour water and in the other one I put the food. I squat next to it and pet Dot gently. She has to be so hungry. I'm not hungry, probably because I got kidnapped, but my cat hasn't eaten for nearly a day.

   "I'll be right back. Don't. Move." With this Josh leaves and locks the door. My look goes to his bag, back to the door and again to the bag. I bite my lip, but ignore all my normal, human instincts to let it be and go over there.

   I open the bag and the first thing I see is a wallet. I just take a short look at his ID. Joshua William Dun, 26 years old, from Ohio?! We are in Arizona right now!

   I put the wallet back and the next thing I see is a gun. My heart beats faster as I slowly lift it up.

   "Should I explain the term 'don't move' to you?"

Kidnapped - Josh x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora