Day Zero - Café

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I sigh as I put freshly cleaned mugs back in the cupboard.

   "Zoe? I'm gonna head out. Thanks again for doing this." I smile to my friend and colleague.

   "No problem. Have fun at this wedding you don't wanna be at." She laughs and shakes her head as she leans over the counter.

   "We didn't saw each other for seven years, I don't even know how she looks like right now." The door bell rings and announces new guests. I look up and see them go to a table not that far away.

   "However, she is your sister. At least you have one who invites you to her wedding. You have siblings you talk to and know they are alive. I have no idea where my brother is, if he's alive." I claim as I take three menus. "And now go, before I change my mind and keep you here." She smiles and blows me a kiss before she leaves and I go to my customers.

   "Welcom at The Eich, I'm Zoe and all yours as long as you're here. Here are the menus, if you ready to order, just call me." I say smiling and give them the menus. I don't know why, but those people are giving me the chills.

   Back behind my counter, I turn the radio slightly louder and start to hum quiet to not dirturb the three people in here with me, while I open my messy bun to make a higher ponytail. I have no idea why this café excists...

   Who comes late at night to grab a coffee or a piece of cake? It's mostly pretty boring, but when Sophia is here, it's fun most of the time. For the majority of the time no one is here and we just dance through the café.

   The woman calls my name and I get to them.

   "What can I bring you?" I ask, still smiling.

   "We take three coffees, please. With a bit of milk for me, sugar for him and he takes it black." I nod as she points at the others. The guy who is holding her hand gets with sugar and the other one, with the blue, honestly really cool looking hair the black one.

   Back at the counter I start the machine and take three coffee cups. I hear some whispering and take a look to the three adults. Well, they are probably just a few years older than I am, but still adults. The woman is looking at me concerned and I immediately turn away. My heart starts to beat faster. Why did she just look at me like this?

   The coffee machine tells me, that the coffee is ready and I take a tray to put everything on it. Next to the three coffees I put some milk and sugar on it. Then I go to the guests.

   "There you go." I say while I put one cup in front of every person and the sugar to the guy with the brown hair and the milk to the blond woman.

Around twenty minutes later the blond woman brings me the empty coffee cups back. I smile.

   "I could have done this." She smiles shyly. "You want something else or just pay?"

"Just pay, thanks." I tipe in the three numbers for one coffee and take them by three.

   "That would be 9 Dollar and–" Suddenly a hand gets put over my mouth and another one around my stomach. With wide eyes I see the woman take some steps back and leave.

   "One sound and you- Ah!" I bite in the hand of the guy and his grip gets loose. As soon as this happens, I run as far as I can, which isn't that far. The guy, it's the one with the dyed hair, get's me and pushes me down at the ground.

   "Let me go! Take the money and let me go!" I yell, trying not to burst out in tears. The panic is rising as I feel his breath near my ear.

   "Listen to me, Zoe, make a sound and you-"

"Help!" I scream, ignoring him. He sighs annoyed and pulls me up, while I keep yelling for help.

   "Shut her up!" The other guy whisper yells. I hear metal on metal before I feel sudden pain at my head and it gets black around me. The last thing I notice is how I get lifted up and carried away.

Kidnapped - Josh x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang