Chapter One

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(Alexis' POV)

"Faster! Come on, run faster," I say to myself as I race through the trees.

Thorns scrape against my bare skin and twigs pull on my hair as I push myself to run even faster along the bumpy forest floor.

I can hear them behind me; getting closer with each step they take. I can almost feel their excitement each time I stumble. My heart starts racing as I realize I'm completely surrounded by them. My breathing hitches as I scan my surroundings, desperately looking for an escape route.

Who would have thought that taking an innocent run in the forest would end up with me being chased by rogues?

Okay, so maybe my run wasn't that innocent. After having a fight with Dad, I needed my space, needed time to cool down. I mean, seriously, what does it matter to the Alpha's son who I'm kissing?

I didn't understand my Dad's words to me and I still don't.

"How do you think the Alpha's son, the future Alpha, would feel if he knew what you were doing out there with that pup? He isn't your mate so why the hell would you be kissing him?"

And that's how the argument started.

"What the hell does it matter what the future Alpha thinks? Like it's gonna ruin his day. Why the hell would he care? He's never even met me for crying out loud!"

"Don't talk to me like that, young lady. I didn't bring you up to speak to me - to speak to anyone - in that way. Get inside that house and when I get in there you better have a very good explanation as to why you were wrapped around that pup like that," he growled at me.

"In your dreams," I snapped. And with that I ran.

I don't even remember how I came across these rogues, all I know is that they're chasing after me now, and they're getting pretty close to me.

Realising that I don't have any other option, I shift without breaking my stride, my clothes shredding into tiny pieces around me. Feeling slightly more optimistic that I'm about to escape them, I pick up my pace yet again, not knowing that I'm running directly into a trap as they fall back behind me.

After several more minutes of running, I finally come to a stop. I glance around me, searching for any sign of the rouges. Why did they stop? I pause for a second, listening to the sounds of the forest, trying to establish their location. I come up with nothing and let out a yip, happy that I've actually outrun them.

I never did like rogues, but who does. Obviously they're dangerous or untrustworthy; they'd have to be after getting kicked out of their own pack. Almost all rogues are wild and highly vicious. I say almost because that's the truth. The majority of them have been kicked out of their pack for various reasons; treason, disrespect towards their Alpha or even something more serious, like murder.

There are some rogues who don't choose the pack-less lifestyle. They leave their packs for safety because they are being abused in their own packs or have been rejected by their mates and can't stand the pain of seeing them everyday and not being able to be with them. However, those rogues only stay sane for so long.

I crouch down into a fighting stance at the sound of a twig snapping to my left. Maybe I actually haven't lost them. A low growl erupts from the trees in front of me and I involuntary shiver in fear.

The rogues that are chasing me are definitely not the friendlier type. The evil inside them is clear in their black eyes that boar into you. Their coats, which are matted with blood and dirt, are a clear indication to how feral they really are as pack wolves take pride in keeping themselves clean and healthy looking.

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