"You're ruthless." Kabuto laughed.

Danzo frowned as Snakes surrounded Yoshiro and he freaked out pulling out a kunai only to be electrocuted.

"What happened to him?" Danzo frowned.

"I found out that he hasss a sssword that comesss to hisss aid, I put a ssseal on him so it rejectsss any kind of weapon. He'sss unable to ussse hisss chakra, he'sss unable to ussse his eye abilitiesss, and he'sss unable to ussse weaponsss, if he triesss it'll shock him. Eventually he'll die." he smiled.

Yoshiro dropped the kunai and covered his face as all of the snakes attacked him, biting him and wrapping around his limbs, squeezing until the bone snapped. His screams were so loud they echoed down the hall even though the room he was in was supposed to be soundproof.

"Danzo, go in there and drag him back to hisss cell." Orochimaru sighed.

Danzo hesitated looking at all of the snakes biting Yoshiro.

"Don't worry, those snakes aren't deathly poisonous, I took all of those one's out." Kabuto smiled

Danzo nodded and opened the door, Yoshiro's screaming could be heard a lot clearer and Orochimaru and Kabuto laughed.

"I thought you said they weren't poisonous." Danzo frowned looking at Yoshiro's skin where his arm was turning purple around one of the bites.

"Oops." he smiled before looking at all of the snakes. "Don't bite Danzo." he ordered.

Danzo cautiously grabbed Yoshiro but he jerked away from him and fell onto the ground as the snakes retreated and slithered back into their holes. His breathing was shallow and he looked at the three of them in fear, betrayal and hatred.

"Lets go Yoshiro." Danzo frowned grabbing his hand and dragging him back to his cell.

"Just kill me." he begged causing Danzo to frown.

"I'm sorry." he frowned pulling Yoshiro in to his cell.

He walked back out and tried to close it but Kabuto stopped him.

"You don't treat them gently. They're not expensive objects, they don't break that easily. I'll show you how we expect you to put him in here." he growled storming into Yoshiro's cage and pulling him out by the hair. "Always grab the hair." he ordered before pulling Yoshiro to his feet.

Yoshiro's legs gave out so he was just hanging from his hair.

"When you put them away, you don't drag them into their cage, they can corner you and kill you. What you do is a simple kick to the chest...." he started before kicking Yoshiro in the chest sending him flying into the wall.

His head snapped off of the wall and he cried out in pain as he fell onto the ground.

"...or you can push them in, but that's more effective. That way, you know they can't get back up to attack you." he smiled.

Danzo nodded and looked at Yoshiro in pity as he laid on the ground, too injured to push himself up.

"Just wait Danzo, you'll come to enjoy treating Yoshiro like shit. Just wait until I show you how fun our lessons are." he smiled causing Yoshiro to tense.

Danzo watched Yoshiro for a while, even after Kabuto left, he couldn't take his eyes off of him. He felt so guilty for hurting him and he knew he would forever hate the leaf, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"Yoshiro, I'm so sorry." he whispered.

Yoshiro looked up at him with all of his emotions threatening to spill over.

The Monster's Wish...(A Naruto Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now