Apocalypse's Horsemen [13]

Start from the beginning

The angel offered a gruff smile, allowing me to pat his head, face and arms. I knew the fallen angel was less than comfortable with contact from other people but I couldn’t stop myself from touching him, reassuring myself that he was okay. I had lost so much already – my parents, my best friend, Phil – I just couldn’t face losing someone else. Just the thought had my stomach churning.

“I assure you I am fine Miss Holmes.” He started but I shot him a warning look. “I am fine Savannah. My opponent however did not survive.”

I nodded my head and stepped aside, allowing him into the office.

Castiel walked slowly and stiffly. I noted that his gait was off from his usual walk. The poor angel was injured worse than he first appeared.

“Who the hell was at the door Savannah – does everyone not know I am busy?” Lucius spoke, his face hidden behind a file from where he was slumped in his leather chair.

Placing my hands on my hips, I watched as Castiel hobbled forward.

“Lucius?” He asked, his voice was quiet but strangely loud in the office.

The devil’s fingers tightened around the edge of the file, the paper shaking for a second before it was slowly lowered to the desk. His mouth was pinched tight as his icy eyes lifted and met Castiel’s. He blinked once. Twice. And then he smiled.

Standing from his chair, the tall man strode around the desk and drew placed his hands on Castiel’s shoulders.

“I can’t even say how glad I am to see that you survived brother.”

He smiled down at the shorter Fallen and then drew him into a manly embrace, clapping his friend on his back. Castiel, in a rare moment of brotherhood, returned the embrace.

When they drew apart the two men, all levity dissipated.

“Where were you? Why did it take you so long to come back?”

Castiel looked away, his body going rigid.

“I found out where one of the horsemen was hiding out.” The man shivered and looked away.

“Which one was it?” I asked, unable to stop myself.

“Death.” He murmured.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, the only gesture I could think to give without making the man more uncomfortable.

“She was holed up just outside of Cardiff in some hotel. Damned horseman thinks she is a queen.” He ran a battered and bruised hand through his hair. “She had kept some of the humans alive there, to be her servants. Poor souls were terrified. ”

When he stopped talking, his eyes distant as he became lost in his own memories, I shared a glance with Lucius over the top of his bowed head. I could read the distress he was feeling for his friend. Though he was the big bad in most cultures, Lucius was first and foremost a man. He had feelings even if his heritage dictated that he shouldn’t.

“She took great pleasure in watching them all cover before her. Anyone that disobeyed would meet their death one way or another. Just one touch and they would perish – usually in some painful way.” Castiel rubbed his hands up and down on his arms while his shoulders rippled beneath my palm.

“Let them loose Cass.” I instructed giving his shoulder a squeeze before backing away.

I had only taken two steps before his wings came into view. They fluttered around his body, never settling into position. It proved just how distressed the fallen was.

“I have seen many things in my life but what power that being possesses is terrifying. No one should be able to turn a person inside out with a single touch. No person should be able to create a plague with a single thought. And her sister, ‘War’. If they fight against us together we may be in serious trouble.”

I nodded my head.

“I met War.” I offered when he fell into silence. “She was just as powerful. She was the one causing trouble in Cardiff. I think the Death and she share some powers. I watched as she killed someone in under a minute with a single touch. If her actions can create War then she can do it. The Horsemen’s’ powers would be limitless.”

I gulped and looked away. I hated to think it, but we were over our heads. None of us had gone up against an enemy as powerful as these. They were older, stronger and fuelled with a rage unlike anything I could imagine. Who wouldn’t be? They had been trapped in the fiery pits of Tartarus for millennia. No one could be happy with that.

With my words hanging between us, no one could think of a word to say. We stood there for several minutes longer in an empty silence, each of us lost to our own thoughts.

“We need to find a way to either pacify them or to restrain them once more.” I added unhelpfully when I could take the silence no more.

“What we need to do is protect the Halflings.” Castiel added, his eyes meeting mine. “Horsemen are not very discreet. They think they are so powerful that no one can harm them – maybe they are correct in that assumption – but they, like so many of your TV villains, cannot resist telling their evil plans to their lowly down-beaten servants. They will be going for our children next.”

I clutched a hand to my chest and tried not to panic.

“Danny.” I whispered, my heart skipping in my chest.

“Don’t worry Savannah, we will protect them. We always do.” Lucius murmured, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “We will make a call to Calantha. The children will have to go beneath ground with them until this is all over. We cannot risk our future – those children will be significant. I don’t have to be a seer to know that. Once they are safe, we will have to look into the archives and find out what can be done about our horsemen problems.”

I nodded my head and accepted the comfort of his arms.

“What about those we rescued in Cardiff?” I murmured, taking in the scent that was Lucius Satani. “They are Halflings too. We cannot let them sit there unawares of the danger they face. They deserve better than that.”

“I know Savannah and we will get them to safety too.” Lucius promised, his warm breath whispering across my ear as he spoke.

Castiel watched us from a few feet away, his usual blank mask upon his face. Noting my attention, the devil turned his head and set his powerful blue eyes upon his weary friend.

“Thank you for coming to us first Cass, please go and rest. I will call everyone together tomorrow.” Thunder boomed loudly outside and rain beat itself against the windows of the Satani Media skyscraper. “There is nothing more you can do today. Rest well my friend and we will see you then.”

The fallen angel gave us each a nod before turning on his heel, wings and all, and left the room in swift silence.

Once the glass door had shut firmly behind him, I pressed my face into Lucius chest. I did not speak, I tried not to think. I simply held onto him and tried to absorb his strength into my body.

“We’ve got to win Lucius, I can’t lose Danny. He’s the only reason I continue with this life, why I fight so hard. I have to make the world a better and safer place for my son to grow up. If I didn’t try to protect him from the evils of the world, I wouldn’t be much of a mother.”

The words came out quietly but Lucius arms tightened around me showing me that he had heard.

He only said five words after my little speech but they were the only words needed.

“I know Savannah.” He murmured. “I know.”

Unedited as per usual!!

Apocalypse's Horsemen (Devil's Assistant Series - Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now