"No. I'm apologizing because I feel guilty!" Astrid exclaimed, clutching her chest. "The guilt has been eating away at me for the past couple of months! But I'm too stubborn to admit defeat and had to continue."

"That doesn't give you an excuse to literally steal him away. You should have just told me the truth and we could have made these past couple of months a lot easier on the rest of us!" Merida shouted back. This was why Astrid continued on her stupid mission? Merida began to feel her heart rate rising as she stared at the blonde.

"I couldn't let my only friend walk out on my life again!" Astrid declared. They stared at each other, their face now inches away. Astrid was slightly panting as tears began to build behind her blue eyes, "I couldn't lose him again." She whispered.

Merida shook her head softly, unsure what was unfolding right now. Astrid let out a little sigh, knowing she would have to explain herself. "After Hiccup married you, I was cut from the picture. He was my only friend and since you and I don't get along he stopped talk to me."

"I know that I once told him that I loved him, but I out grew that. Besides, I could only see him as a friend now, but he doesn't see that anymore. I hoped that maybe I could get him back to be my friend," Astrid explained as she plopped down on the seat outside of his room. "I know that's not an excuse for the pain I've caused your family, but-"

"I'm sorry too." Merida interrupted. If only Astrid and her had learned how much they had in common with each other years ago. Maybe they could have been closer friends and wouldn't have been rivals.

"For what? I'm the one who caused you pain. If anything, you should be hating my guts and screaming at me. At least that's what I would be doing right now." Astrid replied, staring her blue eyes at the ground.

"I'm sorry that I just assumed you were a heartless bitch. We were quick to judge each other instead of seeing what we had in common. I'm not going to forget what you've done to me for a long time, but I want to eventually become your friend." Merida stated, looking down at the blonde. Merida held out her hand, offering it to Astrid.

The blonde looked up, tears beginning to trail down her cheeks. "I get it," she sniffed. "I wouldn't forgive myself for a long time either. But, I will take you up on that friend offer." She laughed as she took Merida's hand. This was the start to an endless friendship.

~Elsa and Jack~
Elsa took a deep breath and closed her eyes. This was going to be okay. Everything would all get worked out and feelings would be sorted. They would frankly be on the same page.

She exited her car and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She walked towards Jack, a smile gently resting on her face. He grinned, lightly tapping her arm. "Are ya ready?" He asked.

She let out a little sigh and nodded her head. "I suppose."

They walked up the stairs and entered the small building. This therapy would be a good thing. Jack would finally see that they weren't meant to be together and she would finally show herself.

The past few weeks had been, well, complicated. Ever since they helped watched the Fitzherbert kids, Elsa had been lost on her feelings. She wanted to divorce Jack years ago, but now, she was changing her mind.

Jack, well, he figured Elsa didn't love him the same anymore. He could tell by the way her eyes looked into his. They weren't the same bright blue eyes he grew to love. They were now dull, making him feel empty.

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