6: Monster

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"Please turn to page 394 in your textbooks. And-"

The bell rings, sending waves of joy through Aphmau and the other students. She quickly gathers her stuff, excited to go to her next class for once, it was Werewolf Studies.

"Aphmau. Can you stay after class please." Her Spanish 3 teacher says nonchalantly, he as tan skin, brown eyes and chocolate hair, well toned as well, his heavy accent making him a little difficult to understand.

"Yes Mr. Willow? Is there something I did wrong?" She responds, getting a little impatient, and didn't really want to be late.

"You are one of my best students, so it makes me worried that you were not focusing in class today. Is something wrong?" He says with a bright smile, his kind brown eyes twinkling.

"Just first day jitters, but I really have to get going, I'm going to be late for my next class." She slings her backpack over her shoulder gives Mr. Willow a friendly wave then sprints out.

"Hmm, That girl is always running somewhere..." He says under his breath with a hiss, leaning back into his chair and closing his eyes.

Something drips onto his nose, he opens his eyes to find the ceiling leaking, but not water, it's leaking what looks like ink from the vents.

"What the-" A long, dripping tendril unfurls out of the vent, a putrid stench filling the room, he backs away. His hand on the phone, but he's frozen in place.

"Stay back!" Mr. Willow yells as more of the creature pulls itself out of the vents, many temporary eyes being created and dissolved at once, sharp, bloodstained teeth stick out in all directions, though it lacks a mouth, all its eyes are white and empty. And the room grows cold.

Mr. Willow loses all will to fight, his eyes roll into the back of his head, his body begins to convulse wildly, and the creature pulls his body into it's black, inky mass...

Aaron, and Grey make their way to Werewolf Studies, Axel had a different class, so they said their goodbyes and Aaron started making conversation.

"How's Lilac, Grey? I heard you turned over a new leaf." Grey nods his head, a stark contrast to how he was last year.

"Oh she's... not with me anymore, actually." Aaron is both surprised and not. Lilac was treated horribly by Grey for a very long time before he got help for his issue.

"I mean, I know why, I treated her like dirt. She deserves someone better than me. We're still friends though! Maybe I can make it up to her..." Grey says with a twinge of guilt laced in his voice, but he shakes it off when the get to the door.

They stroll into a surprisingly empty classroom, Lilac and Aphmau are chatting almost silently in the corner, giggling at something.

Professor Wyatt waves good-naturedly at them both at the front of the class, his lined face and greying brown hair even grayer this year.

A few other werewolfs were here and their, a girl with blue eyes, black ears and tail, like his own, waves flirtatiously at him, he looks away, and instead sits next to Aphmau and Lilac who abruptly stop chittering.

"What are you all talking about?" Grey asks them both, Lilac smiles and immediately starts chatting up a storm with them.

"Well... Aphmau just told me that Aaron's got... the itch." Aaron's face explodes in color, the blood red color to be exact.

"Oooooh! Dude. You didn't tell me that! Spill!" Grey almost yells excitedly, Aaron gives him the death glare.

"I'm still your Alpha, so no." Grey growls slightly in irritation at this, although he had gotten help, not all of his issues are gone.

"Heya~" The girl with blue eyes comes up to where they were talking, all four of them look over at her.

"Um... Hello. Who are you?" Aaron asks, looking her up and down and taking in her scent, she smells like really expensive perfume and makeup with a hint of natural walnut.

"I'm Lily, handsome~" She gives a sultry smile at him and Aphmau almost immediately pipes up.

"Sorry. But he's spoken for." She says dryly, and laced with malice.

Lily's face falls, turns to look at Aphmau, sizing her up, she gives a cocky smirk and giggles.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know he was into short potatoes." She says in a snarky tone, expecting no response, instead all four laugh.

"Oh please, if the only thing you can find to insult me is my height you need to step up. Besides, I'm your Alpha, back up." Aphmau feels a rush of adrenaline as she stands up, tail up and dominant, and piercing gaze unwavering.

Lily stares in shock, it was the first time anyone had stood up to her. She didn't know how to react.

"Fine. Whatever." Lily saunters away into a group of girls who start to give Aphmau dirty looks.

"Wow. That was...oddly dominant for you..." Lilac points out, and Aphmau laughs weakly.

"You have no idea how hard that was for me, my heart feels like it's about to explode." She huffs and Aaron starts laughing.

"You didn't have to do that you know, I only have feelings for you, you know that." Aaron smiles and pecks her on the lips.

"Alright, bell is about to ring, everyone take your seats!" Professor Wyatt calls to the classroom, everyone falls silent except Lily and her group of girls.

"Lily. You are not exempt from my rules. Sit down a zip it." Lily looks enraged but does as she's told, pouting like a child.

"Alright, everyone turn to page 137..."

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