06: Youtube Pranks

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Chapter Six: Youtube Pranks


         | Calum's POV |

"Calm down Nicole. You have a lot of time to get ready" I said, watching her throw clothes everywhere.

"It’s a Youtuber Party. Everyone knows I never skip a party, nor I never been late. So I need to get all the things I need for tomorrow" She explained.

"Just stop throwing your clothes everywhere. I just saw a flying bra earlier" I said, trying to control my laughter.

She glared at me and playfully punched my arm "It's not funny Cal"

"C'mon, Relax up a bit" I said, trying to pull her up. 

"I have so much things t-" She got cut off by her phone. She took it out to check then she sighed loudly.

"Excuse me, I have to do this vlog thing now" She said, pulling her camera from her backpack.

"I wanna join" I admitted, looking at her. She smiled and sat beside me.

"We'll they should know that you are my best friend" She said and kissed my cheek.

"Act natural okay" She said and I nodded with a smile as a reply.

She pressed the record button and smiled. "Hello everyone. So tomorrow's the Youtube Gathering and I'm kinda nervous. I'm also doing a Subscribers Meet up later this afternoon with Ryan, Zoe, Caspar and Troye" She said as I patiently watched her.

"I'm also joined by my best friend, Calum Hood" She said, pointing the camera at me. I waved and did my famous pout.

"Isn't he a cutie?" She winked.


"Those were actually a lot of subscribers" Caspar said, plopping down on the couch.

"Someone almost tore my shirt" Troye frowned.

"Hey Ni, check out what’s trending" Zoe winked at her then to me. Wait, what the hell?

She took out her phone and her eyes went wide.

"Here we go again" I said, annoyed as she threw her phone on the couch beside me. I looked at it and '#Nalum' was the number one worldwide threading.

To my curiosity, I tapped on it and read a few tweets;

'@narrybanga: @Calum5sos @Nicolegetswifi Cal, how warm is Nicole's hand? #Nalum'

'@hoodiecalum: @Calum5sos @Nicolegetswifi date already, we all have extreme #Nalum feels rn'

'@calumgetswifi: @Calum5sos @Nicolegetswifi You guys look perfect omfg #nalum4eva #nalum'

My heart fluttered, I don't know why I kinda feel happy, The fans wanted us to be a couple.

Nicole and Zoe went upstairs to do a 'Tag' so it was Me, Caspar, Troye, Ryan and Alfie sitting there and tapping away on our phones.

Luke was at Kylene's hotel room, Ashton and Michael are probably going for groceries with Sam.

I noticed Alfie was smiling devilishly as he looked at Caspar. "Guys, Wanna go prank someone?" Alfie said as his smirk grew wider.

"Who do you have in mind?" Troye asked while he was still looking at his phone.

"Nicole" Alfie said, making us all look at him.

"Wait, Why?" I asked.

"Trust me, It's gotta be fun. She never takes any prank too serious. Well, unless this one" He smirked one more.


So Alfie and Caspar thought of pranking Nicole. Well, they’ll be telling her that I got into an accident and I was living on a thin line. I don't know why they would think about this.

And I don't know why I agreed on doing this. Ryan's brother is in the hospital, so they decided to let me stay there.

By this time, Alfie and Caspar is done putting up cameras around the house. Ryan and I added a few cameras inside this room.

I felt my phone vibrated “It’s time” And with that text. We got into our positions.


         | Nicole's POV |

“What the fuck do you mean Cal got into a ‘little’ accident?!” I screamed.

“Calm down Ni, He’s in the hospital right now” Caspar said, trying to calm me down.

“Take me to him. Or I’m gonna put you in a coma” I say through my gritted teeth.

Alfie and Caspar gulped loudly. And nodded.


I ran down the hall, I saw Ryan sitting outside a room. Faced down, He seems serious.

My heart beat raised, getting scared, getting worried what happened to Calum.

I stopped when I was near Ryan, He looked up to me with a sad expression.

Nothing was right. “I-is Calum o-okay?” I stuttered.

Ryan shrugged, I fell to my knees. Thinking what could have happened. Thinking my best friend was gone forever.

I don’t want to lose him, not right now.

I sat there quietly, thinking about what happened. Continuously looking at the clock.

“Nicole?” I heard Ryan called out. “The doctor said...”

“Did he made it?” I asked, looking into his eyes.

He didn’t answer. He just left. He left me there, standing alone.

My heart broke into pieces. I hid my face in my hands and I started to cry.

         | Calum's POV |

I slowly peeked outside the room, seeing Nicole covering her face. I could hear her crying.

Knowing me, I never wanted to see her cry. So I slowly walked to her, wrapping my arms around her; hugging her from behind. She looked behind and her eyes grew wide.

“Hi” I whispered. She just hugged me tightly. “It’s just a prank Alfie and Caspar pulled up”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a prank. I’m glad you’re still here beside me”




I'm sorry for like changing the pov's so much in this chapter. But hey, I had so much nalum feels here. ((don't deny that you didn't too))

do you think that nicole has feelings for calum too? but what about michael?

i'll try to update as soon as possible. :)

if you guys haven't checked out "Immortality" it's book two of the Nalum triology. And I think It would be great. ;D I have tons of ideas for the book two. so you guys better watch out x

- nicole p.

-comment #nalum if you think the ending is cute *o* -

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