05: Dude, I'm not jealous.

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Chapter Four: Dude, I'm not jealous.


Calum's POV

Two weeks passed and My heart wasn't in good condition at all.

Nicole, Ashton and Michael went out. So It was just Me, Luke and his girl friend - Kylene.

"Do you boys want anything to eat?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face.

"You" Luke winked at her, but instead of blushing and giving him what he wants. He gets a slap on the arm.

"Lucas!" She warned.

I sighed loudly, I know they're trying to make me laugh. But there's nothing to laugh at, really. And there's no point of smiling either.

"I'm going out for a drive" I said, walking out the door and into my car.


After a few minutes of driving.

I ended up at an old place Me and Nicole used to hang out when we were young. It was our old blue painted tree house. I climbed up the tree and sat outside of the tree house.

"I'm so fucking stupid" I said to myself, sighing loudly.

I know that this jealousy was getting out of hand, but it's just. I get too protective whenever she becomes the topic.

I love her, But it seems like she's drifting away.

Why can't I get a stable relationship? I mean seriously, Its been 1 year since I last had a relationship.

The previous one was a total mistake. She wanted me for the fame and fortune. Not for Me, A normal teenage guy who likes music and hanging out with his buddies. But, Calum Hood from the rising Australian Pop Rock Band, 5 Seconds of Summer.


I felt my phone vibrated, I took it out. The screen was flashing "Nicole <3" She was calling me.

I sighed, And answered it.

"Calum! Where the fuck are you?!" She yelled, making me move my phone away from my ear. Even she's this annoying and loud. I still love her to bits.

"Old Tree House. I got a little bored with Luke. He wanted to get the frickle frackle with Kylene" I said, jokingly. Trying to contain my laughter.

She giggled. "Come back home, I'm worried"

Wait, She said, Worried right?

"Wait, What did you said?"

"I said, Come back home because I'm fucking worried about you Thomas" She laughed a little. She knew I hated to be called 'Thomas' for some kind of reason.

"Thomas is coming home, Denise. Calm down" I said, laughing. She never liked the named Denise for some reason either. But I think Denise is a cute name.

Maybe there's still a reason to be happy?


"Are you catching a fever, You seem a little pale" She asked, placing her soft hand on my forehead.

"Calm down, Ni. I'm f-" Then I sneezed.

"Yeah, sure you're fine sneezing your nose off your face. Sure Calum, Sure thing" She said, pinching my cheeks.

"Don't worry. I got this" I say confidently.

"You got this? Last time I check you can't even handle a slight fever. C'mon get to bed" She said, pulling me off the couch.

"I'm going to Sam's house tonight"Ashton winked at us and walked out of the room.

"Wait, I thought today was boy's night?" Michael whined, folding his arms across his chest.

"Go to bed Michael. Aren't you tired enough?" Luke says, drinking his tea.


"39.7, Calum. How did you even catch a cold?" Nicole asked, placing the thermometer on the bed table.

"I don't know" I said, wiping my nose.

"I guess I have to do the usual treatment aye" She smiled, pinching my cheek.

"I'll cook you some chicken soup" 

"Thanks Ni" I smiled, She left a kiss on my forehead and walked downstairs.

My phone rang, It was just My mom.

"Calum, Sweetheart. Luke called earlier, He said you catch a cold?" She immediately asked.

"Mom, I'm absolutely fine. The boys and Nicole are taking care of me. Well, Mostly Nicole does. I'll be fine in no time" I said, sighing at the end.

Sometimes, My mom gets too protective about me. And she just, Does this.

She ended up saying 'Take care of yourself. Your a grown man' or 'I'm not there to take care of you' And All I could answer is 'Okay, Okay' 

"I'll call you later okay sweetie? Love you" She finally said.

"Love you too, Bye" And we that, I hung up.

And exactly when I placed my phone down, Nicole came in with a tray of soup and orange juice.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"You don't need to know" I sighed.

She placed the tray on the floor and took the soup and handed it to me.

"So, Now I don't have any right to know who you're talking to?" She said, annoyed. She's so cute when she's annoyed.

"No" I said as I begun to eat.

"Who is it?" She asked again.

"Why are you being so pushy?"

"I just want to know, Damnit Cal" 

"Why? Are you jealous?" I winked.

"I'm not jealous, Why the hell would I be jealous? It's clear that I'm not -" She spoke hesitantly.

"Jealous butt" I teased.

"I'm not jealous" She said, pouting.

"You are" I argued.

"No, I'm not" She answered.

"Yeah, You are" I said, placing the bowl on the tray.

"I said N -" 

I cut her off. "It was Mum" I smiled.

"Calum! You could just said that, You got me all stressed up" She pouted.

"Who else would you think it was?" I say, pinching her left cheek.

"I don't know... Your girlfriend?" She muttered.

I learned closer, kissing her cheek. "I don't have one"


I'm sorry, Like this is one shitty chapter. I don't have a motivation to write this chapter. But I guess the next update will be good?

I'm excited for the next update :'D

Hope you liked it. x

bay c;

- nicole p.


/ comment #nalum if you think this chapter is cute c; \

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