Chapter 2- Knives

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Wales, Scotland, Ireland. In that order, ^^^.

<NOTE> This will involve crack shipping. Because I want to and other things that will be explained.

Liechtenstein sighed and pulled herself farther into the chair she was sitting in, smoothing her dress.

After she and Italy had gotten rid of the Germans, they had immediately gotten into another car and left to a small base on the edge of Switzerland.

It was a small mansion, supposed to house most of the their group, with some... Extra additions.

Meaning, a basement and sub-basement meant for torture and many weapon departments.

There was footsteps coming towards her and she briefly scanned the area. Then, realizing they were her friends, she relaxed.

Italy walked in first, followed by Canada and Romano.

Canada frowned and looked up.

"Get off the chandelier. You're going to break it." He said simply.

Liechtenstein watched as her brother turn over and dropped to the ground, grinning.

"You no fun." He huffed, dusting himself off.

Italy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Have you heard from Finland, Latvia, or Poland yet?" He asked Switzerland.

"Yeah, Poland says the Europeans have all been thrown into a paranoid frenzy, Latvia is working with Finland for the time being on the nordics. They said their planning on getting Iceland out of the way first." Switzerland said, pulling a knife from his boot and fiddling with it.

Liechtenstein smirked.

"And what about the news on your lover~." She teased.

Switzerland sighed, ignoring her, and tossed Romano his knife.

Italy glared at Liechtenstein.

"Don't tease him. I support having love interests on the same side. It keeps you motivated and loyal. Not to mention..."

He stopped midsentence when someone came in. Since none of them had sensed them, they were probably on their side anyways.

Italy's annoyed expression quickly slipped into a smirk.

"Hey Pol." He greeted.

Poland smirked, placing a hand on his hip.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late, the Baltic duo got suspicious."

Liechtenstein and Switzerland snickered.

"What were you talking about?" Poland asked, sitting on the armrest of a chair.

Switzerland threw himself over another chair, resting his legs on one arm rest and his head on the other.

"Love interests. And how it makes us stronger." He said, seeming bored.

Poland chuckled and held up his right hand. A red ring appeared on his pinky finger, while black strings wrapped around his middle finger, extending to all of their hands. Then, there was a copper ring on his pointer finger.

"So like the strings?" He asked.

Switzerland nodded. He understood.

Black was hatred. It connected to everyone in their group, and growing as time forever went on. It bound them together as a group.

The red of was love. The only thing even close to powerful, hate being first stronger of course. It connect those in love, and but he appeared to be hiding who it connected him to.

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