Song 6- Baby don't cry

Start from the beginning

"I know, I know I'm hard-headed. But I believe you now." she hugged me too.

I tightened my hug. We stayed like that for a while until...

"Why are you two so sweet? I'm kinda jealous." a man's voice said.

We released each other from the hug and looked at the guy.

"Josh!" Frances shouted and ran towards Josh and hugged him. "Why would you be jealous?" she looked at him and then at me. "Suho is my BESTFRIEND. So don't be Josh." she gave me her smile again.

I smiled at them. 

BESTFRIEND. What a word. For her, BESTFRIEND is a word which signifies our relationship. But for me, it's a word that is like a wall between us. 

This might sound cliche, but yeah, I fell inlove with my Bestfriend. I can't tell her my feelings 'cause I know that she doesn't feel the same way.

Josh, he is her boyfriend. I really envy him. I don't envy his looks because I have it too. I envy his courage of confessing. Before, I had all the chance to confess but I wasted it.

Now, I really regret the times I wasted.


Dear Frances,

     Hey there!! Again, I'm writing you a letter. Even though I know that I won't be giving this to you too. I only write all these letters to just, just release this hidden feelings. You know Frances, it's really hard to hide these. I'm happy 'cause you're the person that I love. But I hurt because; First, 'cause I can't tell it to you. I'm too afraid that you might go away. Especially now that you have Josh. Second, 'cause you're happy with him. Yes, I'm happy because you are happy. But the thing is, I hurt because I'm not the one who makes you happy. Third, because I became a coward. Why did I not tell it to you before? Why did I wasted those times? I had all the chance before andnow I regret it all. I Love You Frances. I really do. I love all your flaws. Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly, right? 

I tried to just bury these. You might not believe this but, remember when you went to your province? I took that chance to Flirt. Yeah, I flirted. I thought my feelings for you would fade away if I find someone new. But do you know what's amazing? It is my feelings. Why? Because instead of fading away it just got stronger. I just loved you even more.  I cried. Sht, this sounds really gay. Everytime I write each word on every letter, I cry Frances. 'Cause it really hurts badly. But I don't want you to see me like this. Ok, I'm gonna end this letter now. 

I love you Frances. Ha, what am I saying? I know you won't know this.



I folded the paper neatly and slid it into a white envelope. I sealed it with a sticker that has a Letter 'F' on it and at the bottom left of it, I wrote my Initials. K.J.M. (Kim Joon Myeon)

I placed the letter at the very bottom drawer of my study table.

I looked at her picture on my table. She was smiling. But I know that behind her smile she is also sad. She had tons of problems. I know 'cause she told it to me.


I looked at the direction where I heard the sound. It's from the window.


I stood up and walked towards it. I opened the window and looked down. I saw her looking up at me. 

"Frances..." I whispered.

She smiled. But I know, that it isn't real. Her smile is fake. 

I quickly ran down the stairs and went out our house. I saw her sitting at one of the stone chairs outside our house. She's looking down.

I walked towards her and sat at the chair beside her. 

A moment of silence.

A few minutes already passed, but still no one dared to speak. I just looked at the night sky. 

*Sniff* *Sniff*

I knew that it was her. But I still didn't speak. I'll just let her say anything she want, until she is ready.

"You know Suho..." finally she spoke. "Suho... *Sniff* *Sniff* I saw Josh... he was with another girl. They were kissing." 

I looked at her. She was still looking down, her hands are on her lap. I held her right hand. She didn't look at me.

"I already knew that he wasn't good for me. I knew that he's a player. But I already fell for him. So I decided to give him a chance, since everybody deserves to have a chance right?" she looked at me. Her eyes are full of tears and sadness.

I'm about to cry and to stop the tears from falling, I closed my eyes.

"Suho? Am I wrong? Did I make a wrong choice of giving him a chance? Su..." she was about to call my name again but I didn't let her finish.

I hugged her tight. There are two reasons why I hugged her: One, to make her feel that there is someone that is with her. That she is not alone. Two, to hide my already falling tears.

It's just to painful to see her like that. She's my all, she's my everything. She means the World to me. 

I treat her like a Diamond. While he treats her like a trash. And it just hurts so badly that she recieves this kind of treatment. She doesn't desrves this.

"Suho... why is it like this? I thought that he would change. He told me that. But why didn't he kept his promise? Am I not good enough for him?" she kept on asking me questions. 

"Shhhhh... stop crying Frances. You're good. He's only stupid for not noticing it." I told her.

"*Sob* *Sob* It hurts Suho..." she cried.

"Don't cry Frances. He's not worth your tears. Let me... let me ease your burden. Give me some of it... wait, no. Not 'some' of it. Give me all of it. I want you to feel better." I told her and tighten my hug.

She didn't answer. 

We stayed like that for a while. Then I realized that she fell asleep.

I released her from my arms and looked at her face. I wiped her tears with my thumb.

"Frances... I love you. It hurts to see you like that. I thought it would be better if he will have you. I thought that you'd be happy. But again, I was wrong." I said even though that she is sleeping. "It feels like it's all my fault Frances. I'm sorry..."

I lifted her and went to my car. 

She's sleeping so peacefully. 

I drove to her house. Good thing that the only person there is her Younger brother.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing, she just fell asleep when we were watching a sad movie." I answered casually.


I passed him and went straight to her room. I opened the lights using my head and started to walk towards her bed. I placed her there and covered her with a blanket. 

"Sleep well, don't worry. By tomorrow, everything will be alright. I'll make sure of that." I kissed her forehead and stood up.

I walked towards the door. Before going out, I looked at her once more. 

"I love you..." I switched the lights off and went out her room.

(A/N: I'm sooooo sorry for the not so good grammar. I'm not a professional writer. If you just want a story to read, you can continue. But if you want a story with a good grammar, you can not continue it. Your choice. Hahaha Anyway, Thanks for reading this! LOVELOTSSSS!! <3 <3 XOXO!!)

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