She picks up the knife that she used for slicing the cake , and she looks at him with a wide smirk.
Kyle looks terrified he knows exactly what will happen to him.
Miss miller kneels down , raising the knife she's holding then..


Suddenly your visions starts to blurry .
"Nooo!!!". You yelled to her but your mind starts to blank the only thing you heard is...

"There's only one thing we can only do "


"Master! Master!". You heard Chase's voice said . You open your eyes and saw him looking worried .
"What's wrong Chase?". You said .
"Are you alright master? You were talking in your sleep". Chase said.

"I was?...I must be tired ". You said as you sit up.
"Master here , drink some water ". Chase picks up the glass of water on your table stand and he gave it to you.
You take it and drink it . As you finish you gave it back to Chase and he puts it back down.
" you feel better?". Chase said .

You smile at him and nod your head .
"A little ". You replied .
"Go back to sleep master , I'll just call our teacher Mr. Erin that you can't go to school". Chase said .

Not go to school? YASSS..wait..Shet! I can't be absent ! If I don't go to school today I'll miss out test in math! You thought .

Shet! I can't be absent ! If I don't go to school today I'll miss out test in math! You thought

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"I can't Chase , I still have to go to school , we have that test today right?". You said .
"Oh that's right , well ..don't push yourself master ". Chase said, he stands up and left your room.

You and Chase made it to school , just on time . Unfortunately Ashley is absent ..but why?
As you arrive in the school , the left part of the hallway is blocked with police tapes.
"What happened ?". You said as you join the people surrounding the scene .

"I heard that there's a cut off hand ". One of the students said .
"Master we have to go..we'll be late ". Chase said .
You nod and you and Chase starts to go to the classroom not until you bump into Luciel.

"Hey there cutiepie~". Luciel said with a smirk .
Chase only glares at Luciel .
"Aww does kitty still hate me?".
Chase tries to stay away from Luciel much as possible .
"So what happened there?". You asked Luciel .

"I'll just get to the point ...Claire Veronica royal died..I thin that's her name?". Luciel said .
"Really!?". You said in surprise .
"Yeah..zombies ate her...she came here yesterday not aware that it's the class of zombies yesterday ". Luciel said .

"Yeah ".
"So basically no one told her that there's no classes ..I don't know if the police will consider this accident or ..I don't know ...anyway remember that orphanage that you and Kyle's  class last visit last week I think?".

"Yes I remember ". You replied .
"There was a fire accident and the nun there..slaughtered everyone-

"WHAT!! She killed everyone!??". You said in shock .
"Not everyone..the children are safe but the adults ..are not ".

Well thank god Logan is safe .and the kids .
"So where are they now?". You asked .
"They were taken to a children's hospital". Luciel said .

"I see ..well we gotta go now". You said.
"Alright , bye~! Oh and cutie..if there's anything you want to ask me..don't hesitate ". After he said that he wink at you and left .

Maybe I have something to ask ...

Author-chan: Pssst ! Wanna know who's my favorite character ?

You: *nods head *


*author-chan felt a weird atmosphere as she turns around she saw all the characters glaring at her some with a creepy smile and some

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*author-chan felt a weird atmosphere as she turns around she saw all the characters glaring at her some with a creepy smile and some ...terrifying especially Tom .

Author-chan: my favorite ...Cartoon! Yeah cartoon character! Hahaha ....(help me ).

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