Authors Note

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     So... I haven't updated in a while... A bit of busy and a bit of writer has no oomph in her brain will do that to a person. This little note is to accept a challenge that was given to me by a friend. Her name is Stephanie but on Wattpad she is known as @Laurexfan. Now let's say I live in a box. This box person will explain this to you in the way she knows it to be.

     What I will be doing is "20 Facts About Me". I just have to say twenty facts. About me. Wow. This box person is so grateful that these instructions are in the title. So... I will go on with it.

Fact Number 1:  I like things being neat. Even if I'm not neat in any way, it's really nice to be clean, neat, organized- you know, the whole neat nutzo...

Fact Number 2:  I like to think of myself as someone who is there to cheer you up. Even if you're happy, there's still a way to make you feel better. So basically... I'm a nice person.

Fact Number 3:  My name is Caitlyn. Surely that should have been the first thing said but... Eh, what can I say. I don't need a lot of common sense. I already have five other senses!

Fact Number 4:  I love to joke around and be silly. That way, if someone challenges me to a "Random Wrestler Rumble"™ I can destroy their minds with creativity. For example, jelly beans come to life and make rocket ships to our mouths out of chocolate syrup in an attempt to give us a more tastier snack.

Fact Number 5:  I'm a professional procrastinator. So, maybe the chapter isn't out because of those reasons I said before... But the main reason is this... Maybe? I don't know. I just procrastinate so much, I'm even writing this months after I started it...

Fact Number 6:  I have three pets. Just the basic cats and dog but they are so cute! I have to say that though because every pet owner is like, "My animal is so cute" or "Oh yeah, that's cute! But look at how cute mine is!" Right? I have an all black cat whose name is Shadow (guy), the cat on my profile is Savannah or Savi (girl), and my dog is Luna she is so tiny and has so much fur (girl).

Fact Number 7:  I love to read. What's not to love? I have a special talent or gift that allows me to read in vehicles! Cars, planes, buses, (The way to spell buses is weird, did I spell it correctly?) trains. I read anywhere. One time I was reading in class during sixth grade and I hadn't noticed when the whole class left. It was terrible. It was only a couple seconds later that I noticed but to think that someone saw me and decided to leave me there. I guess you could say I was in a whole other world.

Fact Number 8:  I'm excellent at math. Not only am I good at it, I also love math. I'm a strange girl, whatevs! I'm in accelerated classes for it and get grades above 90 so that's wonderful!

Fact Number 9:  Jellybeans. I really don't know... Oh yeah. I'm a Pisces which means... Well I guess it just means that my birthday is February 24th and its just a coincidence to me that I'm Pisces.

Fact Number 10:  I have two siblings, my sister is twenty and my brother is twelve. Even though my sister has a different father, that doesn't make us step-sisters.

Fact Number 11:  I like all different kinds of music but a few songs I like are "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey, "Glad You Came" by The Wanted, and about any song by Linkin Park. As you can see (or hear), these are very different types of music.

Fact Number 12:  I can play the clarinet pretty well, can play a tiny bit on the piano, and can remember one chord on the guitar. I'm planning on learning how to play the trombone. I'm a musical being. I really want to learn how to play one of the Mortal Instruments, wink.

Fact Number 13:  I don't like tomatoes. Keep them away and I'll be wonderful. You won't get it thrown at you. The weird thing is that I like salsa. Huh... Tomatoes are in salsa... Yup. And I totally despise tomatoes! Ew, blegh! That's just my opinion though. Taste changes though, so... Sure. Tom-ate-toes.

Fact Number 14:  Hmmm... Well... Oh! I'm really friendly so I have friends in my grade, above my grade, graduated- I wish they weren't gone :(- and  a few in the tiny kid ages (younger than me, maybe not tiny kid age...). I have friends from school, band, choir, sports, plays, and outside of school.

Fact Number 15:  When I'm older and able to work, I want to go into carpentry for my career. I really love math and hands on work so it's perfect! (In theory)

Fact Number 16:  I would say that I'm an athletic person. I Love soccer. It's the best for me because... I love it... I have  a great endurance and will also be in track, or running. Also, I can hit a volleyball with my friends if they decide they want too play that... Its basically the only time I will play it, but it is worth it.

Fact Number 17: I like to draw. I can draw pretty well in my opinion, and I draw about every day. Or I'm starting to at least...

Fact Number 18: I have dark brown hair. Also dark brown eyes. Does this count as two facts? If so, we are already on fact twenty. I won't  do that though, 'cause people will for some reason want to know more about me.

Fact Number 19: More about me: I don't get frustrated very easily. So if you get me mad or annoyed with you, you've done goofed. (Isn't that a cool saying?)


Fact Number 20: I don't have any social media, like Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, you know... Stuff like that! It's because I rather that I talk in person than in a messaging  box thingy such as that. This is the closest I'll have, and that is fine because this is great! I get to read and sometimes chat with people! And write!!!

Well folks, I believe this is the end of the chapter. Seriously, right now I feel like I'm talking to myself. It's actually not that far off ha. But if you seriously want a chapter- ya know, if people actually read this- Yell at me to do it. Maybe not rudely... Okay, definitely not rudely but just ask me multiple times and I will rush to it. Because if you ask, that will motivate me even more to write/type this out! Well, I think this is a bit too much rambling. See ya laters, Cranberry out!   

Oh! I almost forgot. Apparently I have to challenge three others to do the same as I have done. (Honestly I think everyone should do it but hey! Whatever you feel like doing!) Anyways, I will ask kindly for these three people to do this:

First Up: NateDBurleigh

Second Contestant: Priesca

And The Third: yuenwrites

I actually dont know how to do this to show their names out... I hope it will pop up to them. If not, I'll tell them myself...

Okay! Now I'll totally leave and get the fifth chapter finished! See ya laters, for real this time! Bye!

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