Chapter Three

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     Griffin and Xavier were almost ready to go to the party, all they had to do was pick out some clothes to wear. Griffin picked out a red flannel to wear and Xavier had on a grey t-shirt and a jacket, both guys wearing jeans with their outfits. It was around seven thirty so once the both of them got dressed, they left.

     Griffin was driving to there, since he was older and usually didn't drink alcohol. Xavier didn't drink either and could drive, but didn't since Griffin was better at driving anyway. As they drove past the old trees and houses, Xavier and Griffin passed time by talking a small bit.

     "So Griffin, since you can't drink are you just going to hang around and talk? Because if you are, I won't drink either. You have my word."

     Griffin laughed at this. "Oh come on Xavier, we both know that you wouldn't drink anyway!"

     Xavier grins. "It doesn't mean I can't dream! Don't worry though, I won't make my dream a reality. Yet."

     "Okay fine. I have to focus on the road so chill about your alcoholic dreams. Hey, at this road do I turn left or stay straight?"

     Xavier smirked and said, "I'd prefer that you stay straight, if ya know what I mean. I don't want you falling for me."

     "Dude, straight or left?"

     "Straight! My body's too good for you! But seriously, go straight ahead."

     Griffin sighed. "Okay, thanks I guess. And dude, no one would fall for that pile of... Whatever awfulness that you call a body. Or your face."

     Xavier gasps. "Fin, that hurt me so much. I'm distraught man, really! But at least it's better than yours." Griffin punches Xavier. "Woah, I'm only joking! Eyes on the road!"

     "My eyes are on the road! Definitely not looking your disgusting self. Yikes, I'd be in an accident if I looked at you now! It's really bad, you should get that checked out."

     "You know, I'm just gonna look out the window. If I look hard enough, I can "check out" my beautiful self. But if I look harder than I have to, I'm gonna see your ugly mug. Blegh, so gross! But seriously, I'm looking out the window."

     Griffin and Xavier sit in silence while the car moved on the gravel road close to Frank's house. Around Franks house was a bit creepy, because there was an alleyway or two around there. Frank would pull a prank with a few close friends on people that weren't used to his house. Him and his friends would find a way to lure someone to an alley and make it seem as if they were kidnapping you. It was really sick, and thankfully it hadn't happened to Griffin or Xavier. There were lots of hiding places in the alley as well, so it made the trick easier.

     After a couple more minutes the car pulled up to Franks drive way. There weren't a lot of people there yet since it was five to eight so when Griffin or Xavier had to leave, they could get out easily. They got out of the car and Frank greeted them.

     "Howdee guys, how arre yous doing this evening? Thanks fer coming heere! See ya laters, byyyeee!"

     Frank is drunk already, and the party hasn't officially started yet. There must be some really strong stuff, or Frank has had way too much to drink. Parties like these must be terrible, because all people ever do is be drunk, idiotic, and disgraceful.

     Time goes by, slowly in some moments, fast at other times. Somehow Griffin and Xavier get split up so Griffin goes looking for him. The only place he hasn't looked now are the two alleyways, so he walks towards there. Griffin hopes that Xavier isn't playing a trick on him, because that's cruel, and Xavier had no other ride unless he found someone.

     Griffin enters the first alley, cautious of others that could be lurking around. This paranoia is part from watching those movies, and part from Frank, although it's more from the movies since Frank is drunk. "Yo Xavier! You in here?" He hears no response so he starts to leave. He takes a few steps towards the exit and trips over something he can't see. Then someone behind him grabs his hands and uses a zip-tie to tie them together. "Oh come on Frank, just stop this. It's annoying and I have to be elsewhere."

     Whoever grabbed his hands paused for a moment and then cut the tie. It was Jason, one of Frank's friends. "Griffin, you're no fun man. Just go already, you're ruining it."

     Griffin started walking away again, slightly annoyed, and went to the other alley. Xavier was probably here and if not, he'd search everywhere again. If after that Griffin doesn't find him, he would leave. He walked into the alley and it smelled odd. There was a faint, sweet smell, but Griffin could barely smell it. He almost didn't notice the smell, but it was different than other things in the alley, new and unknown to him. Griffin wondered if Frank got any weirdos around here, in the alleys. He pushed that thought aside and walked out of the alley.

     After searching everywhere else, Griffin remembered that Xavier brought his phone. Why had he not remembered that? He dialed up Xavier's number and let it ring. Xavier didn't pick up so he called a few more times. After there was no answer, Griffin just assumed he was home and asleep. But why would Xavier leave him? Maybe Xavier couldn't find him to tell him that he needed to leave for something important.

     Griffin decided to walk down that odd alley, just out of curiosity. Sometimes, he thinks that he has a death wish. There was nothing on the opposite side except a metal chain link fence so Griffin, being the curious guy he is, climbs it. On the other side is a street, one he hadn't seen on his way here. There were no houses so Griffin just turned around and went back to his car. He would ask Xavier about where he went tomorrow.

     Griffin started his car and drove away from the house, thinking of where Xavier could have gone.


Wonderful! One more chapter down, 1048 words, and
earlier than last time too! Enjoy the story!

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