2. Compulsion Games

Start from the beginning

"It's all I remember," Vicki answered in monotone voice. Holden hated doing that, but he, Stefan and even Damon couldn't be outed by her. Their species had to stay unknown by humans.

"An animal attack. It's all you remember," Holden repeated for clearance and left the room.

Matt saw a man leaving her room and went to follow with an angry face, but when he reached the entrance, Holden was long gone.

WHEN HOLDEN GOT HOME, he saw Damon in the parlor. "The brother is here!" Damon greeted in a sarcastic cheer and Holden rolled his eyes. He sat down on the couch. "And here I thought you'd leave again."

Holden stared at Damon, trying to see anything human left inside, but saw just a shallow body with a smirk that hid pain, the last emotion he had.

He felt sad for Damon, because once they were very close. They even went to war together, against his father's threats. And now they hated each other. "Last time we saw each other, you had no humanity on. What happened, Damon? Who stirred feelings?" Holden questioned trying to bite.

Damon just smiled. "My feelings are not your concern, brother," he grumbled then smirked even wider. "Though, I can assure you, I'll use them for some very good plans."

"Hmm, the bad boy strikes again, I see," Holden mused then glared at his older brother. "You got Stefan fooled somehow, but we all know why you're here."

"Sure, you do," Damon rolled his eyes then they heard a doorbell.

"Stefan?" a female voice belonging to Elena rang out. Holden looked at Damon in surprise. "Stefan?"

Before Holden could go to Elena, Damon appeared in front of her. She turned to him and got scared a little. "I... I'm sorry for barging in. The door was... open," she said in confusion.

Holden still remembered her voice from that night he met her, and saw how different it sounded from Katherine's. "You must be Elena. I'm Damon, one of Stefan's brothers," Damon smirked and Elena glanced at him in surprise.

"He didn't tell me he had brothers," she mused furrowing her eyebrows and saw Holden walking up to them. Elena looked at him and widened her eyes in surprise.

"Holden Salvatore," he smiled at her with fake yet charming enough smile and watched her intently, still not wrapping his mind about her looks. "You're surprised. No wonder. Stefan isn't one to tell people about us. Please, come on in, Elena." he motioned to come in.

Damon watched him with confusion as to why Holden was so nice to her. "I'm sure Stefan will be here any second," Damon said as Elena walked inside, widening her eyes in surprise at their house decor.

Holden gave a smirking Damon a pointed look to not try anything and followed after Elena. "Wow. This is your living room?" she questioned in slight awe.

"Living room, parlor, Sotheby's auction," Damon smirked again and she looked back at his brothers. "It's a little kitschy for my taste. I see why my brother's so smitten. Right, Holdie?" Damon turned to his younger brother, who crossed his arms over his chest.

Holden hated the nickname Damon always used. It seemed so childish, as if the older Salvatore didn't know how to insult Holden anymore. "It's about time," Damon commented. "For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him."

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