{Chapter 1}

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~Amelia's POV~

I stir awake and throw the thick silky covers to the floor.  I groan as I get out of my bed.

The soft, thick carpet squishes under my bare feet providing some stress relief that I still feel from yesterdays stupid accident.

As I reach my arms up stretching, I immediately feel the need to take a soothing shower.

I walk to my dresser pulling out pink flannel with a white under shirt and white ripped jeans.

Closing the door to my bathroom, I start stripping down. After, I step into the glass shower, letting the warm pellets of water cascade down my body.

When I start to lather my hair with shampoo, a thud comes from beyond the bathroom door.

I finish my hair and turn the water off, missing its warm sensation immediately, and peer out the glass shower.

I open the door, closing it behind me and grab my towel from under the white vanity. I wrap the towel around my body, moving closer to the exit.

Before leaving the bathroom, I decide to get attacked by a rabid human with clothes on. I slip into the jeans, pull the white tank top over my head, and put my arms into the flannel leaving it unbuttoned.

I ready myself before swinging the door open watching are horrifying scene unfold in front of me.

I gasp.

I watch the two men holding my white mahogany desk inch closer to the bedroom door.

"What are you doing?" I screech. "Put that back right now!"

They walk closer to the exit.

"NO!" I yell. Not even thinking I run up and jump onto the desk and the wood and I fall to the ground.

I look up, listening to the talking I hear out in the hall.

I run out into the hall to see stuff being taken everywhere. What is happening...

I see my Grandmothers bed being taken down the hall along with a flat screen TV, a small love seat, stacks of pillows, and- I stop staring at the man carrying the only thing I still have left of her.

I walk up to the man and rip the vase out of his hand. He goes to reach for it.

Glaring at him I say, "Try me, I dare you."

He rolls his eyes and heads back to grab more things I suppose. 

I am speechless at the sight of all my things being towed away. Everything I've known to love and deal with, and now they are all going to God only knows where.

I turn to where all of the items are being taken before they reach the stair case. I spot a man with a clipboard talking with another man.

I walk up to him, my vase proudly held. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" I seethe and put my finger on his chest.

He pushes my hand down with his clipboard. "My job. Now get out of here."

"I'm not going anywhere until these people put my things back."

He looks down to his clipboard and flips the page. Not looking up he states, "They're not yours anymore, they're the banks."

The banks? Why are they the banks? What the actual fuck. "To hell they are!"

"Leave the bank to decide that, kid. Your gonna have to change your attitude sometimes, it'll be for the better. Now get out of here." With that, he walks down the hallway, leaving me with my thoughts.

Change for the better, what? No way in hell. I walk towards the staircase and fly down them. I search for my pathetic excuse for a father.

The living room is completely empty, everything is gone. They didn't even leave the TV, which was mounted to the wall, with iron bolts.

I walk into the kitchen, which basically isn't a kitchen anymore because everything is gone. Along with everything else on the first floor.

I've given up at this point. I don't know what else to do, there is nothing else to do.

I walk out the door and finally spot my dad. He is standing on the curb talking to a professional looking man.

As I'm about to walk up to them I hear my name, "Amelia?"

I turn on my heal and watch my neighbor cross the yard.

She reaches me. "Whats happening? Are you guys moving?"

"Um yeah...I am."  I smile at her. She's always been much prettier than I  have and I've always been sort of jealous of that, but I would never say that to her face.

"Where are you guys moving to? Is it far? Omg, I'm gonna miss you!" She pulls me into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I try to veer away from the topic of where I live because to be honest, I don't know whats gonna happen at all.

"Your dad looks like he wants to talk to you." She says and I turn my head to look at my dad.

"He's not even looking at me." I turn back

"He looks back every once in a while. His face looks different. He looks stressed, worried almost." She narrows her eye, trying to get a better view of him.

I laugh nervously. "Hahaha, It's probably just the whole...moving situation ya know..."

She looks like she's holding back a comment but before she has time to speak, I send her off. "I better get going, packing and stuff..." I turn her back to her house and gently shove her. "Bye now."

I jog over to my dad ignoring the man.

"What the hell is happening?" My anger has returned at this point.

He looks lost in space.

"Dad?" I question him getting impatient.

The words he says next hit me really hard. Hard enough that the pain almost feels physical.


Hello, friends. It's funny because you know you have a good cliffhanger when the writer wants to continue reading the story. If you haven't already please vote and comment on the chapter if you enjoyed it, and go check out my friend's book(s) because she is an amazing writer. And also please do give us a follow it would help tremendously, while you're at it check out the combined book. It's lit. See ya lovelies!


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