6 [MCR Tag]

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Yay, you get to see how bad of a fan I am!

1. Favorite album? ---Black Parade?? All of them??

2. Favorite song off Bullets? ---Vampires Will Never Hurt You
3. Favorite Lyric off Bullets? ---"And if you take me down, or would you lay me out"
4. Favorite song off Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge? ---(currently) To The End
5. Favorite lyric off Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge? ---"And what's the worst you take, from every heart you break"
6. Favorite song off The Black Parade? ---THIS IS TOO HARD (maybe Dead or Cancer or Mama or The Sharpest Lives?)
7. Favorite lyric from The Black Parade album? --- *g note*
8. Favorite Black Parade era music video? ---I Don't Love You (I think)
9. Favorite song off Danger Days? ---Vampire Money 
10. Favorite lyric from Danger Days? ---"F***in ready" (does that count??)
11. Favorite video from Danger Days? ---Na Na Na (obviously)
12. Favorite killjoy character? ---UM IDK MAYBE FUN GHOUL? I CAN'T CHOOSE
13. Do you have a killjoy name, if so what is it? ---Electric Revenge
14. Favorite Conventional Weapons song? ---The Light Behind Your Eyes
15. Favorite Conventional Weapons lyric? ---"I'm not laughing"
16. What is your favorite era? ---For music? Style? Agh, well for music Black Parade and now I'm going to answer the next question cause those are my answers
17. What is your favorite Gerard era? ---Danger Days
18. What is your favorite Mikey era? ---Revenge
19. What is your favorite Ray era? ---He hasn't changed... uh all of them
20. What is your favorite Frank era? ---All of them.
21. Did you ever get to see them live? ---NO I BECAME A FAN TOO LATE
22. Have you ever met any of them? ---NO, AGAIN.
23. Have you seen any of them live solo? ---no but maybe I will someday...
24. Favorite solo project? ---agh idk Hesitant Alien sure
25. Favorite Member? ---Frankie... I hate choosing though.
26. Fuck, marry, kill (be sure to send band member and era) ---F: Gerard, Danger Days; M: Frankie any era; K: Bob. He's not in this tag but Bob. Definitely Bob.  
27. What was the first MCR song you ever heard? ---Cliche but either "Welcome to the Black Parade" or "Teenagers." I think it was "Teenagers." ...I thought it was a Nirvana song for a while because I never really thought about it XP.
28. Have you ever gotten noticed by any of them on social media? If they noticed you please elaborate. ---nOPE FRANK AND MIKEY ARE THE ONLY ONE'S ON TWITTER SO THAT'S LESS POSSIBILITY
29. Favorite Gerard quote and or moment? ---"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections" or when he made his profile milk themed and he got called out for reminding people of the milk fic...
30. Favorite Ray quote and or moment? ---CoverGirl Ray ahahahaha
31. Favorite Frank quote and or moment? ---"Racheal wants to know if Gerard sleeps naked. -- Yes he does. -- NO. -- Oh well you did when you slept with me. -- *giggles* -- waow. -- He told me it had to be that way." PERFECT MOMENT FIGHT ME
32. Favorite Mikey quote and or moment? ---"NOOO" (Bob trying to give away his phone number)
33. When did you become a fan? ---...I'm ashamed but some time in the summer of 2016
34. Favorite tattoo that Frank has? ---"Bookworm"
35. Do you have any MCR tattoos? Or any tattoos for their solo projects? ---Nope
36. Have you ever made any fan art?  ---no I can't "art"
37. Favorite song off "Stomachaches"? --- .weighted.
38. Favorite song off "Hesitant Alien"? --- No Shows, Millions, or Brother
39. Favorite song of "For The Night To Control"? ---You Got It All Wrong
40. Favorite song Ray has released? ---Hope For the World
41. Do you own a Bullets CD? ---no...
42. Do You own Any of the Black parade Box Sets? ---no...
43. Favorite tour? ---Projekt Revolution I think
44. Do you own Danger Days: California. 2019 Box set Edition? ---no...
45. Do you own Any of the CD singles? ---no... I came too late.
46. If you could only listen to one of their albums (solo projects included) for the rest of your life what would it be? ---MCRX so I could listen to a mix of them all :D
47. Favorite Gerard Hair color and style? ---red and long, Danger Days era 
48. Favorite Lyric off any album? ---Can't pick just one...
49. Opinions on whether or not the material that they had recorded for MCR5 / The Paper Kingdom will ever be released? ---I'd love to have it but if it's not meant to be shared then it simply isn't meant to be shared.
50. If you could turn back time only once and and see a MCR concert but you had to return to the present time exactly one hour after the show ended, what era or even specific show would you go see? ---Either Hoboken's show or the one with that major Frerard kiss where they hugged each other at the same time... I'd kill to see both shows. Especially the song "Cancer" in Hoboken, which might kill me.

I got this off of Tumblr... I tag you all!

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