"Sierra," I closed my eyes as my name leaving his lips repeated in my mind and for a second, it felt so real. It was like I could actually feel him talking. Hear him breathing. Up, down, up down. I could see his chest rise with his heartbeats and then slowly fall down again, secure, so calm though the situation was messy. His smile that was constantly trying to cheer me up. The success of his relaxation that finally got to me. The area surrounding him completely pacified me. I was his. "Sierra," I heard it again and for some reason, I opened my eyes this time, "Please help me."

A hand was reached out towards me and I had to blink multiple times as I thought this was it. I was officially dead. My imagination was playing games on me as his face was right in front of me, looking miserable and painful. He seemed to be in pain.

That's when I realised.

"Oh my God!" Instantly, all previous weakness I had felt in my body disappeared and I rose to my feet to quickly help him down from the hatch in the roof. It was like nothing else mattered as the painful look on his face was visible to me, there was something inside of me that told me to immediately soothe him, "Justin! Are you okay? What happened?"

"Shit- I was standing one minute and the next-" He tried to catch his breath as his feet finally landed in the elevator again. It only took him a few seconds to collapse to the ground, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling whilst his breathing was slowly going back to normal, "It just fell, I don't know what happened. Shit- my foot hurts."

"Let me see," I whispered, sitting down at the edge of his body. My hand slowly caressed the outline of his feet and he winced when I touched his ankle with my fingertips. It was barely a touch, just slight contact with the skin but it seemed to hurt him. It scared me. "I think you should lay down for a while."

I knew nothing about ankles or injuries but I knew that if something was hurting, you shouldn't put more pressure on it. I wasn't stupid. Justin didn't seem to listen though as he instantly sat up, only to crawl to the wall and lean against it. Then, he opened his arms and motioned for me to come closer. Which I did, without hesitation.

He kissed me tenderly, not once but twice, on my lips.

It was as if this elevator completely disappeared underneath us and suddenly I was floating on cloud nine. Unexpectedly

For a second, everything was so much better and time was no longer a concern of mine. Nothing mattered except for him and his well being. I was terrified of him and I wanted him to be okay. My mind had already decided on giving him everything he needed, well, as much as I could give him in this damn elevator.

It was a roller coaster of emotions. Only a few seconds ago I thought I was dying and that he was gone forever, I barely got the chance to react before I felt him close to me again. How did I jump to conclusions that quickly? Why was my brain putting me through that? I would usually never have thought something like that, it didn't seem to be me. I could tell already that this man was changing me and I was into it but at the same time I was petrified of the future. If he could make me react this way, and feel these many emotions, in only a couple of days, what would happen once it's been us for a long time? Would my paranoia get worse? Was that even possible?

"Ouch-" Justin made a sound that made me jump away from him, not wanting to hurt him furthermore. I gave him an unsure look but he seemed to be in pain, "Shit, it does seriously hurt."

"What happened?" 

"It got stuck in between something, I couldn't get it out, it feels like I stayed up there forever." He laughed a little as if the situation would be funny to him in some way, I wasn't laughing with him. Instead, I was staring at his heartbeat, trying to figure out whether or not it was the same as mine.

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