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I awakened to Michael shaking my shoulder. "Someone is at the door. It sounds like he knows you."

His voice held an edge. He was annoyed and upset. I could tell.

"Who is it?" I asked sleepily.

"I don't know. Nobody who is a threat," he assured me.

I stumbled out of the bed and walked to the door, looking out the peep hole.

My brother was knocking, actually banging, rather loud. "Open up, Mare."

"It's only Andrew," I told Michael, who was standing with his arms crossed and frowning.

He grabbed me and tilted my chin so he could look at my face. "Who is Andrew?" The hard edge to his voice was almost scary.

"Michael, he's my brother," I told him, smacking his hands away.

The frown did not leave his face. I opened the door as Andrew burst in and scooped me up into a giant hug.

"Mare! What took you so-" His voice cut off when he saw Andrew and his naked chest. "Who the hell is this?"

I might have forgotten to mention my brother, and his overprotective tendencies.
Michael casually slid his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Who the hell are you?"

Andrew's eyes flashed. "Mare, who is this guy?"

"This is-"

"Her boyfriend Michael. Michael Jackson." He interrupted, shooting me a quick look.

"Boyfriend? Since when Mare?"

"It's a recent development," I admitted.

"I've been gone for three months and now you have a boyfriend?" He looked shocked.

"Sit down Andrew. I'll make some coffee."

I walked into the kitchen and started brewing, hoping they would not kill each other if I left the room. Michael seemed a little too confident, leaning back on the sofa and eyeing my brother. Andrew kept staring, glancing between us both.

"What are you intentions with my sister?" He asked Michael.

Michael grinned. "I have no idea."

Andrew turned red, a certain sign that he was angry. I had to turn away to hide my laugh.

"I think you better have some kind of idea."

Michael shrugged, smirking. It irritated Andrew and he stood, pacing the room.

"Mare, come here."

I rolled my eyes. "What Andrew?"

"Does he know?" He demanded.

I had no idea what he was talking about. Andrew grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of Michael. I saw Michael stiffen. He did not like the way my brother was handling me.

"Does he know you are a virgin?" Andrew asked pointedly.

I died a thousand deaths, my cheeks flaming crimson. "I..."

Michael was beyond surprised but he hid it well and quickly. "Of course. Our relationship has not progressed that far yet but since you seem intent on embarrassing your sister, I will tell you that I do know."

He added "now" under his breath and only I heard it.

Andrew relaxed, slightly. He sat on the couch as Michael pulled me next to him.

"I'm sorry if I upset you Mare," he apologized, albeit reluctantly.

"Andrew, I am not a little girl anymore. If you cannot control your tongue I will have to ask you to leave," I reprimanded, giving the same disapproving frown my mother always gave.

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